Dream of the seagull

Dream of seagulls is what mean?Dream dream of gulls, ok?Dream of gulls have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of seagulls detailed solution.

Dream of the seagull

The seaThe gulls fly, symbol of harvest and happy in the dream.

Dream of the seagull, suggests that the dreamer inner desire for success, or character lively, active thinking.

Dream of seagulls flying in the air that you will have a happy day of freedom.

Dream of seagulls prey, predicted would be significant achievements in your career.

Dead Sea gull, the dreams means you and your friends live far apart.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream water gulls.This has a bad dream.The officer who dream of this, should abandon officer to learn, retired royal;This dream home, promoting smooth."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the dream of a bird symbolizes the fantasy, the thought and idea, the content must then can show in the case of freedom.As early as in the Christian era, people are interested in birds and flight.Once upon a time people thought that the bird is a soul to convey, it has a corresponding magic and wonder.

Psychological analysis: the dream bird expressed the people's needs, namely gives besides your own objects and biological characteristics.Is in a cage bird, could the moral restrictions and wisdom.Birds fly freely in the sky represents the thoughts and desires, may also represents the rise to the fairy the height of the heart.A special colorful bird feather symbol in your appearance, what do you think about your own way and attitude.Without direction of birds reflected according to the physical and mental requirements or physical observation of confusion.Sometimes, birds can exist on behalf of women, the side of freedom.Gold wings bird and fire with the same meaning, symbol and a spiritual thoughts.Soar in the sky bird symbolizes the spirit of enlightenment or that part of your pursuit of knowledge.In the man's dream, bird represents the beast.inA womanBirds of the dream, represents the spiritual self.

Seagull represents freedom and power.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, the soul of dream bird representative.

Dreamed of seagulls case analysis

Description: dream a dream, I went to the beauty of the sea, blue sky, only white seagulls fly on the sea, the scenery especially beautiful.We sat in the rocks of the sea, the sound of the waves, seagulls huan, formed a bright piece of music.(female, 26)

Resolution: dream dream gulls, it symbolizes the harvest and happiness.Dream of the seagull, show that you desire to succeed in my heart, and you also is a very happy, very active, so will appear in the dream the seagull.If the dream of gulls in prey, that promises you will succeed,If the dream of seagulls are flying, means that you will have happy days.

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