Duke of zhou LingQian sixty-nine: meanwhile, unseen solitary upper zhao

Duke of zhou LingQianSixty-nine: meanwhile, unseen solitary upper zhao

Twigs to fantastic winter plum, leaves fall not to destroy

Yangchun message near, still I be based

(/ chouqian/zhougong/four other shallow interpretation: just like winter is a plum flower on the top of the mountain, suffered a lot of rain and snow still standing after shaking;That the day of the spring is coming soon, there is still the king of flowers, who can match?

An arrow, not empty is not empty, look at the scenery, the message.This sign the plum flower of Quebec, all that matters early to geely.

Plum blossom LingQian yue: the sign of Quebec.All matters relating to the flat geely also.Winter Solstice FestivalPlum is fantastic.Although it was leaves fall withered.Iraq also resists the snow thin film extremely.Let out fragrance.To the world at a spring QiongYin will come.Proud of you for many years now.Will receive a quote.In his day.In other words.Your shipment is.An arrow failed messages not empty empty do not see the scene in person.

Trading - stay in marriage - ChiCheng seek blessing - careful itself - home - owes the animals - wang zhen tian silkworm - prosperous people finder - see pedestrians - late pregnant - spring autumn virtual to real mountain grave - appropriate change holds - deficient disease - false alarm ACTS - not auspicious items - east

A: this has a "vindicated" meaning.Means the parties, don't be too pessimistic.People in mind when this is not my negative, and if it is misunderstood by others, more like a dummy eat huang2 lian2, suffering.In this look at meanwhile unseen solitary zhao's story, he not only put up ten years, or even ugly name, swallow unjust only in order not to let the loyal minister heard.A few people have such a spirit sentiment, this life?Mishaps in himself, but at that time, why so self-pity, integrity and is worthy of heaven and earth in all things, believe that there will be fortunes, and also the day of your innocence.

Duke of zhou LingQian sixty-nine: meanwhile, unseen solitary zhao upper-middle related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query