Duke LingQian 53 first: kingsly slightly ammonites louse up and talk

Duke of zhou LingQianFirst: fifty-three kingsly slightly ammonites louse up and talk

Turn into a proud, as two fitting for roaring dragons and tigers

Qingyun road be to, xu fame will I

(/ chouqian/zhougong/four other shallow interpretation: once upon a time has the disappointment of a proud, is like a roaring dragons and tigers two-phase appropriate;Fame, avenue prosper day will come, when the fame of hope fortune will also can get it.)

Teach go namely, namely live, mouth have prospered, and all will.The sign of the roaring dragons and tigers like, always ask for JiChang.

LingQian yue: this sign is a roaring dragons and tigers like also.Counsel of everything.JiChang also.Frustration into prosperity.Dark go to dawn.The light also.So in wan road.To finally.God grant me fame.In other words.Teach go namely.Live the mouth and prosper have will be yours.A pious qi bao.There will be a help for you.

Trading into marriage - not accomplish - seek - flat in itself - owes his house - unease animals - damage of tian silkworm - putting five points - see pedestrians - to pregnant - qi baoshan grave - ji holds - and disease - Ann items - see move ACTS

A: put the signed "field" meaning.Remind client, always act reasonably.Sometimes people tend to be too care about others opinion of himself, so deliberately keep figure, therefore put does not open, to do things and are relatively limited.Sometimes people are too along with the gender, instead become its own will, and makes people feel fresh and do not know.In fact, the serious will be serious, don't still playful raillery, look in all directions, can let a person feel giddy, half-hearted.The relaxation will relax, do not geared rut, too stiff, also can let a person feel hard to get along with, I don't know.Should emergency situations, adjust the behavior itself.Say the words, do what to do.

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