Yuelao LingQian 27 sign

Yuelao LingQian27 sign

Yuelao LingQian 27 sign sign

Sign a poem: there is the beauty of imperial clan.

Solution to sign: you should know, can't fight yourself out of the gentry.Times have changed.There is no five jue.The world are equal.And life is equal.There is no relationship.And the points of the champ.Hence.Jun ye to find love.Must go from normal to find.Suitable.Or the ancients also.But the world vision from different from the bag.And also we can appropriate to love.

Note: inherent my material is no more, never mind is high, people WuJi by mistake

Vernacular shallow interpretation:

Dont think born background conditions.Level with the portal.Now bureau has changed, has no dignity, all men are equal.No one is a division of the emperor with a naked.Reason for marriage must also from ordinary people to search, or, as the ancients said "portal quite" as the best way to mate, since the manipulation and attachment to the great.For their own the other half should with "love", "heart" and "fate" as the important consideration.In order to avoid mistake by overreached WuJi., this sign is fate, not greed for riches and honour and trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.Should be more merit beg god made product.And ask the fate, never mind Gao Chengzhe business.Ask the marriage, cherish cherish every encounter as fate has it.Rice-producing country.Good luck in one hundred.

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