Yuelao LingQian 16 to sign up

Yuelao LingQianSign up and 16

Yuelao LingQian sign signature 16

Sign: Mr Right, people like, those heartless flower also sentiment condensation, the general solution and the branches to learn and live.

Sign: their own heart.To the best of the personnel.There will be a fine account?In other words.Mr Right.People like.True feelings show.Even those who can't words of flowers and birds can be greeting.Meaning.Love to have.The fate of.There will be time to come.

Note: two people interested, an painting of flowers and love, two hearts together, love

Vernacular shallow interpretation:

This has an "painting of flowers and love" meaning.Is the little male girl feelings of innocent playmates.The best way to sign.Between lovers."Just ask with, try to do.The true feelings.To love.Possessed by the fate, "husband and wife have to patch" misunderstanding "of the suggested that back to spring and summer have noble center into harmony happiness.Qiu dong is block will be complete.

Obtained the sign is good fate, as long as the work can not jeopardized.Much more appropriate for the increase.Ask the fate, get noble help.And a complete, ask marriage.After the first ever ty.And satisfactory.

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