Yuelao LingQian sign the sign king "0"

Yuelao LingQianSign the sign king "0"

Yuelao LingQian sign the sign king "0"

Sign:Darling, immortal beauty also as soon as possible.Ask for anything?

Solution to sign:Yeah darling.The fairy beauty as soon as possible.In one hundred, old age together.Having to find a good marriage.

Note:Darling, in one hundred, tie the if asked end-result, immortal beauty as soon as possible

Vernacular shallow interpretation:

Is a pair of good darling.Can enjoy immortal beauty of sweet life.No further.Is the sign of good luck.

For this sign fate is satisfactory at present, if can take the course more, public-spirited, accumulate good karma kindness, marriage has more blessings, will naturally have deities and noble to help you successfully complete smoothly.Ask the fate, be well, jack shall have Jill.Ask the marriage, immortal love.

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