Five-way mammon LingQian sixty-eight sign [in the flat (ji). Heptyl simba 】

The god of wealth LingQian five roadIn the flat in sixty-eight signed [(ji). Heptyl simba 】

Heart desire long when anaerobic advise you check this for several times their goods add fields and years south north pearl dealers selling salt

St: litigation has wins.Don't fight again.Name is.Do not ask again.Marriage can be fixed.Since the bulk.The pedestrian.And well-behaved.

Dongpo: look with one.The Times also.Greed not only.Will be received after sorrow.

Contentment is not insult.Coke glides gracefully.All the best.May have to take.

As I don't like two blue fairy note:.Have a rest place and wide wide idle.If he is not satisfied with riches and honour.Its not to say there is a disaster.

(personnel in the world.Have a rest place and wide wide idle.If wealth without content.And provoke QianYou since set).

Solution: this sign.For success.All pushing higher.His family prospered.

Litigation will prevail.MoZaiXing.Fame and fortune.The wedding itself.The pedestrian.Don't worry.

Profit doubled.Any request.The wind and water conservancy.Pregnant women.

Every man.Be careful.And your place also.

Paraphrase: yesterday (song) MAO acceded to the throne should be day.Therefore, people should to day to the south.For BianCheng north.

Every name.This is often ".To skin promoted.Cover with emperor ji in the south.

Account for.This not reverse the party or the south.For pushing higher.

And when to quit the greedy.Do not ask amiss.Check this.

O town.Not too greedy.While its fields and weng also.

If a person cannot observe and aggressive.Death of thousands of Paul, and their income.Reverse is unjust.

For test: life of imperial examinations.May not be.View field is stop.This asks the fields should be also.

The story

(a) money selling salt

The tang dynasty.Money Liu.Linan.When the micro.As the salt to make a living.

Value of huang chao uprising.A township soldiers break us.With eight soldiers.Please Liu Hanhong yue state.

To meet Dong Chang.And as in hangzhou.And Dong Chang Liu.Of the return to hangzhou.

Zhao zong worship for zhenhai town east both sides of our time.

Chu wen code tang.Sealed with the king.To Sun Zhongyi Chu wang.Is accepted in the song dynasty.

(2) of lv buwei the mail

Lv buwei is Yang zhai big businessmen, to buy cheap goods and price to sell, so fortune accumulated more than a daughter.

Qin Zhaowang for forty years, prince died.42 years in zhao king, king come to his time as heir.AnGuoJun has more than 20 son.AnGuoJun have a very favorite concubine, made she is lady, called Mrs Huayang.Huayang lady who had no sons.AnGuoJun ranking in the middle name birdcall chu, the son of chu's mother called sagie, does not favor.Chu is qin zhao as a hostage.Qin often attacked zhao, zhao is not very courtesy chu.

Chu is Qin Shu nie, the son of the emperor hostage, the passenger vehicle, with daily goods are not rich, ordinary life is quite poor, not very satisfied.Lv buwei when doing business in all handan zhao, see the chu and his poor, said: "the son chu like a rare goods, can store and sell high. So he went to see the son of chu, lobbying to him:" can I forward your guard. "the son chu smile to say:" you let everbright your door first, and then to forward my CARDS! "lv buwei said:" you don't know, I ever need to wait for you after the conversion of everbright everbright. "chu heart know the meaning of lv buwei the signified, introduced lv buwei and he sat down to talk, about the content of the very deep. Lv buwei said:" the king of qin age has been big, AnGuoJun are now being made for the prince. I heard Mrs AnGuoJun rather spoiled huayang, huayang lady without children, can be made for the office people only Mrs Huayang iron. Now more than two dozen people do you have a brother, you rank in the middle, not by luck, for a long time in the governors hostage. Even after the death of king AnGuoJun following the made for the king, so you don't have chance with the eldest son or other every day in front of the king's brother, fight for the crown prince! "the son of chu said:" yes, so will I do? "lv buwei said:" you are poor, visit here, nothing can give relatives and make guests. Although not wei is poor, but is willing to take out money to the west to lobby for you, serve AnGuoJun and Mrs Huayang, force you to office heir. "the son chu kowtow said:" must like your strategy and successfully, and willing to divide the land of qin to share with you."

Lv buwei took five hundred gold to chu, for everyday goods, make the guest;And five hundred gold to buy rare plaything, take these things to the state of qin on the west lobby, first went to Mrs Huayang's sister, and bring all things to all Mrs Huayang.Allude chu is a talented and intelligent person, make governors guests all over the world, you always say "my son chu is consider lady like day, day and night sad miss my prince and his wife".Mrs Huayang greatly pleased.Lv buwei will take this opportunity to Mrs Huayang sister to Mrs Huayang lobby, said: "I've heard of people with beauty is to serve the people, once the beauty fade, love also with flabby. Now Mrs Prince you serve, what is love, but no son, this time not earlier in the son meet talented and filial piety, pushing force for the office his heirs, and have treated him as a son. So her husband in, respected, even one hundred years later, after a son has since made for king, a lifetime will not lose, this is what we call a word and get all the power of things. Build fundamental, when not busy in beauty failure. Dote on relaxation, although want to speak a word, there are possible? Now son chu is a man of talent, and they know is ranking in the middle of the male sun, in turn shall not be appointed office boy, his mother also not favour, attached to the lady, lady can really promote him to office at this time boy, so Mrs Throughout his life will be in the state of qin is luck."Mrs Huayang think he speak very reasonable, so at the time of bearing in prince, duly noted as a hostage of zhao of chu is very talented, and everyone praised him.To tears, said: "I have to overload harem, unfortunately no son, hope I can get the son chu thought office heirs, to my life."AnGuoJun consented, and his wife on jade operator, decision made son chu office heir.Mrs AnGuoJun and therefore sent a lot of things to chu, and please lv buwei to assist him, so the son chu's reputation among governors more grand.

Lv buwei married woman in handan dance the most beautiful and good people, live together with her, know that she is pregnant.Chu and lv buwei drinking, he saw the woman, is like, so got birthday lv buwei toast, request to give up what one favours.Lv buwei was very angry, but then a want to have in order to son chu expensive house, want to catch the goods, so he offered his concubines.Queen dowager zhao shelter himself she is pregnant, the production period, gave birth to a son of politics.Chu so made queen dowager zhao madam.

Qin Zhao fifty and ten years, king sent Yi siege of handan, wai very urgent, wanted to kill the son of zhao chu.Chu and lv buwei, sent the gold six hundred gold to guarding city officials, to escape, fled to the qin army, so can smoothly back to the state of qin.Wanted to kill the son of zhao chu's wife and son and son chu's wife is the daughter of zhao's home, to hide, so the mother and son have to survive.Qin Zhaowang 56 year of the reign of death, king too come stand for Kings, Mrs Huayang for queen, chu for the prince.Zhao also escort son chu's wife and son zheng back to the state of qin.

Acceded to the throne of qin died one year, writings.finally for the king of the text.The king of the world is prince son ChuJiLi ZhuangXiang king.ZhuangXiang king as a mother of huayang is huayang after the queen mother, mother sagie exalt her for the summer queen mother.ZhuangXiang Wang Yuannian, lv buwei as prime minister, he is letter, food city, henan province?Yang hundreds of households.

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