Five ways of wealth LingQian 47th sign 】 【 down (flat). E g

The god of wealth LingQian five road47th sign 】 【 down (flat). E g

Try to clear night ammonites litigation is the heart will mean you remember only gentle snow's discretion and your language than words

St: litigation MoXing.Fear of torture.Money's greed.Disease is not better.Line resistance.None of marriage.And the truth.Keep the peace.

Dongpo, litigation is fierce.Don't need to say more.If peace.Old discretion to snow.

All plans.Both when we request section.FanQiuZhuJi.Curse from destroy.

Blue fairy, has a good body from the target.Why inventions to Zuan day.Advise your quiet place make province.Harm to loss.

Solution: this sign is false.Don't covet.But for peace.Discretion from the snow.

Man has repeatedly.None of marriage.Long before.Money's greed.Disease is not.

The suit will be fierce.If the harmful to people.The bullet also.

Paraphrase: give people cannot be sued.Litigation is fierce.Not into also.

If can the peace.The curse to commit suicide.Discretion suppression can be snow.

Do not account for those things.Do in the day.Have a bad message.Clear night.Ghosts and gods, column.

Is not a curse.And evil from birth.(do) not ring true.

Of inspection: a rich man tired to cheat young rascal.No fewer than the gold.Desire to litigation.

Take this sign.Is a clear night asked.Yesterday was not rich.Had one outstanding dozens of gold.

The man died ways.Remember the day of his death.Also is the life.

Is the enlightenment.Young more than 10 gold again.About twice the number of the deceased.This not resurrected side.

The story

Chu explains

XiangJi already destroyed the qin dynasty.Kill the world.Place of bullies.Repeatedly to hanwang.

Yin practice righteousness in the south.Hanwang is han xin will be.There's felling chu.Integrating ecology.

Xianyang.Emperor sent out obituary for righteousness.Principal chu inverse sin.And chu war Yu Chenggao glory dead.

War is thirty.Little war of seventy.Die for five years.

.more specifically YingBu han.Fan ceng fall dead.Chu is a potential solitary.Was destroyed by han.

Tiangong remind you

Obtained by this sign, in the heart has grievances.

This sign shengyi emphasizes "can only open to prove their grievances is good", don't have more claim to the other party, otherwise it will bring against yourself more.

Excessive will benefit to justice, justice will bring adverse, this is the sign of justice.The victim too strong (strong), can let the offender role in dispute/litigation stage to the victim.To get this sign should be managed carefully to avoid "is the victim at first, then" adverse situation.

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