Land in the first nine male LingQian sign

The earth LingQianIn the first nine sign

Under such as winter tree, a tree without blossom dead, look at the spring scenery, gradually germination.

[broken yue] and official far ji, disease just as well, seek three points, pregnant women,

Temporary talk about marriage, wanted to see,The testIn the, in transit.

"North sea guanyin immoral sign solution"

M force fairy note: this shipment is not yet take you, to meet new, frequently spring harbor for fu, lu said.

[vernacular shallow interpretation]

Obtained by this sign, getting a new lease, timing is poor, worry more, only appropriate keep mo forget to Ann.

But it seems that you luck is almost transhipment, a boom in spring, you should take advantage o now praying to god for blessing, accumulate more more blessings, let the good luck to accelerate the arrival.

Take the hexagrams: sorrow now, every spring.

Asked official positions, promotion, far away.

Ask a disease: just as well.

Ask for money: the three points.

Asked pregnant, pregnant women.

Q: marriage temporarily no way.

Ask wanted: me.

Asked the exam, too.

Asked in transit.

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