47 days LingQian mazu LingQian sign: 47 solution XinYou belongs to the wood, the spring should be the east

matsuDays after LingQian: poems said

Jun, why ask st. mark, is helpful in my heart;Now and in the middle of watching, bad out into.

Mazu days LingQian: yue

Every advance fierce after good. For a second. The family door Lv appropriate. Home gate of small target. Marriage. Just for good. The best year by the end of a girl a boy, the first female grey-green male. Seek the light. A reputation, the division into. After years old gentleman light. Treat every not in peace, not December. Go out first. After fierce business fortune. People to the moon. Good row boat spring and summer, autumn and winter. Move. Just find the lost there, not day/half in. Rain is not long. After the officer had fierce, not day/half bureau. Animals peace. Farming. In the build chamber is not afraid.The graveTerrain when. For the spring and summer. As a farm. Fry after fierce first. I pulled. Without a slow to return. Far letter until recently.

Mazu days LingQian: the ancients

The shadow of lehmann m. sustainability judge li SAN niang well will of his wife and children

47 days LingQian mazu LingQian sign: 47 solution XinYou belongs to the wood, the spring should be its eastern related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query