Lv Zu LingQian 3 solutions to sign Lv Zu LingQian third sign

Lv Zu LingQianThe third sign: the ancient tang clear huang swim YueDian Lv Zu LingQian sign

Bright moon when 35, the selfless heaven and earth;A male to have complex, satisfied in the autumn.

Lv Zu LingQian: sign

Tang clear huang sleepwalking between too, for a moment the goddess of the moon, the mind and swam to YueDian, have to see the goddess of the moon dance, that dance clothes, whose silhouette is fairy sound can be, hence to spread to the earth.Obtained by this sign, when know month 15, as the full moon night, Yin flourishes while Yang declines, yu little success, don't strive for, to endure gas to burn;If the sign in the autumn when get more business.

Lv Zu LingQian: poems said

Peony riches and honour the foot reigns, copiously in danger of not long;All things must be left hind leg, and luxury NingJian is hidden.

Lv Zu LingQian: poetry

Peony is a flower of riches and honour, is the ringleader of the flower.At its height, the time is very short.But as long as when doing anything, leave the hind leg (don't go too), these will not have what dangerous.For people to prevent of success.

Lv Zu LingQian 3 solution

Seeks the look:When September.

Money:Entrust women help, wealth process smoothly.

Marriage:The love, the beautiful wife, but easy to have a kind of illusion, overwhelmed, be swayed by considerations of gain and loss.

Itself:Healthy body, the dreamer, should focus on to geely.

House:Desire to peace, there are real estate, in the autumn when obtained, business.

Opening:Ji, should be engaged in jewelry, beauty, clothing and other decoration business.

Move:Distance is not suitable.

Travel:The distance will be a pleasant surprise.

Disease:Iddo mood disorder, such as squeamish, there will be worse.

The best:Natural labor,Gave birth to a girl

Pedestrian:Not to.

Action:Presenting a negotiation, can get settlement.

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