Sun Moon Lake wenwu temple of Confucius saint sign the following sign

Sun Moon Lake wenwu templeConfucius SAN to sign58 sign

Poem: rhetoric Xiao is, line loss, loss work easy to loss, to section great mischief, to learn skills, choose carefully.

/ chouqian/kongzi/note: ninja

Fault of the delta, it is to hear sweet words.Although felt speaker at the big bad motives, but always feel a moment of pleasure.Itself for others, and sometimes is easy to say something nice to please others.This kind of situation, easy amorality, apocryphal, and vulnerability, skid row, affect his undertaking.In addition, anyone can stand for things and shen qi, often make the wrong processing and judgment, and the bad event.This is the most unwise behaviour.Let us know when to quit.

The delta eat small deficient, have to bargain.

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