Sun Moon Lake wenwu temple of Confucius saint sign the contract signing

Sun Moon Lake wenwu templeConfucius SAN to sign46 sign

Poem: array for both of the armies clash, drum filling for winning or losing.A. soldiers fled to the face, general with five thousand steps.

/ chouqian/kongzi/note: too small do not change is not auspicious

Delta is clearly on Confucianism, mencius advocate righteousness, and disgust for a saint.He lobbied the waiting, hoping to introduce his king benevolent governance, and eliminate arbitrary tyranny.Its governors, he often had to defeat run fifty people smile hundred paces, refers to the governors have failed to really good policy.This also implies that do bad things, often with a small reflection, instead, a proud people.Society so ACTS that may be a lot of, can know shame when evaluating itself, not to smile fifty hundred steps.

Delta had not know, progress difficult.

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