Wenwu temple Confucius holy sign 13 sign Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake wenwu templeConfucius SAN to signThe thirteenth to sign

Poem: the statue of wang yi tao Lin however busy, wei days mean ancestors, yanhuang DE industry based, has a long history worldwide in one hundred million.

/ chouqian/kongzi/note: respect ancestors

The delta of the Confucian political thought, the statue of wang yi busy.Is to defend my nation's survival and dignity.This kind of thought, to dominate my nation for thousands of years the survival of ideas.It is feared the mandate of heaven, worship god, but the most important is to respect their ancestors.Thus formed the ethics of filial piety.And filial piety is loyal to the nation.Enough to maintain the lifeblood of my people in the past, the future will be to national survival and development of China's basic conditions.The Chinese female body, should know this.

Delta open avenue, into a home, cause.

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