Wong tai sin LingQian sign solution sign 6: wang xizhi return home

Wong tai sin LingQianSign 6: wang xizhi return home

Pray good or ill luck: ji LingQian

Wong tai sin LingQian sign 6: auspicious sign on wang xizhi return home

Wong tai sin LingQianSign 6: signed a poem

A solitary sail thousands of miles back to the orchestra ou dumb and cup

Like a cloud - friends talk about romantic to renew the hard-currency bliss

Note: jin dynasty era.Calligraphy masters last name is wang of the twilight.At that time in thousands of miles distant home.Often play drinking.Many friends talk about the wind said.The mood joy.Very happy.

Wong tai sin LingQianSign 6: sign the poem

The LingQian is described a cultured and quite economic base, give up the struggle officialdom, profession, resolutely back to hometown, on the one hand have to gather tianlun and the joy of friendship, best zai zai leisurely, on the one hand, and can continue to develop their own expertise, mark on later generations.

Wong tai sin LingQianSign 6: fairy machine

Silkworms.Who will become.

Pedestrians to.The house is popular.

The more disease namely.Wealth is full.

Animals.Into marriage.

If pregnant.The birth of your son.

Ask for.Pepsi heng.

Wong tai sin LingQianSign 6Interpretation:

Time: the prosperous, especially in autumn and winter.

Career: everything goes well, to the people around, amiable, is better.

Wealth: money, spend a lot of.

Themselves: well, how do good product, good luck will continue.

Family: home delivery, carpe diem.

And marriage, husband and wife, unmarried end of the year have a good chance.

To: whether to move or emigration, but beg Ann heart.

Reputation: help others more, do more public welfare, fame built unknowingly.

Health: relax, can keep the best state.

Friendship: it will make some like-minded new friends.

Feng shui: smooth and natural hair.

Lost: LingQian suggests many available.

Themselves: LingQian hinted that met by noble.

Timing: wind and rain are welcome.

Travel: everything is in the mood.

Commentary and recorded: wang xizhi return home

Eastern jin dynasty era, the calligraphy of the famous family name is wang xihe, is a man of noble birth, officer to right army generals, will take the service.Hometown of later resigned to shaoxing, zhejiang province, the study calligraphy have remarkable achievement, sui generis, for future generations of Chinese brush-pen word to start a new road.

At that time in the home in the distance, often drinking flute harps, many friends talk about the wind said, mood delight, obtained by this sign, Pepsi is auspicious.

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