Wong tai sin LingQian signature solution sign: 50 WuYuan through

Wong tai sin LingQianSign: 50 WuYuan through

Pray: good or ill luck of LingQian

Wong tai sin LingQian fiftieth sign: auspicious sign WuYuan give sword fishing in the father

Wong tai sin LingQianThe 50th sign: signed a poem

Remember wu zixu rush to cross has a fishing

Intends to sword friends are to give the American's sense of honor

Note: yesterday wu son in law way, also a king after it, ran to the river, the crossing of a fishing boat to save, wu son in law to the blade of his father to fishing, fishing father is not affected by this fellowship's sense of honor, so the sword also, seek the sign, there should not be greedy, are beneficial to the people, in any of the known and unknown, newspaper and don't quote, force to do, notes do not speak money can also, by signing, everything is smooth and clear, influences of the sign of this fierce also!

Wong tai sin LingQianThe 50th sign: sign the poem

The LingQian is described WuYuan fled when meet people.Wu zixu fled, were cut off water, no way, the pursuer, thanks fisherman rescue, his crossing, wu zixu grateful, insisted on distinctions to sword, but a fisherman has resigned from.

Wong tai sin LingQian 50th sign:Fairy machine

Fame and fortune.Don't seek.

Looking at things.Don't importune.

Sick doctor.Also easy.

Silkworms and livestock.Watch carefully.

Ask people.ChiJiu.

Home repair.After chang jue.

Ask the best.Lead noms.

Asked the marriage.Have a good couple.

Wong tai sin LingQian 50th sign:paraphrase

Time: the appearance, seems to be turbulent, but have a good time for you.

Career: LingQian suggests, with great people to help you, to be determined.

Wealth: wealth from well, cutting ring of greed, don't get their hands on gambling.

Themselves: not to make a fuss over things around, cautious words and deeds.

Family: want to filial piety, family harmony, the quarrel is bad operation.

Marriage: a darling good causes and conditions, we need to respect each other's sincerity.

To: not necessary, don't consider relocation of immigration.

Reputation: choose the good and persistent, steady hand purpose, there will be done.

To maintain healthy: pay attention to rest, to winter.

Friendship: have genuinely help you good friend.

Feng shui: LingQian implying smoothly without proof.

Lost: may also have to find.

Themselves: good since Christmas.

Timing: light also relish.

Travel: LingQian hinted that may go to abstain from greed.

Commentary and recorded: WuYuan through

WuYuan, namely wu son in law, wu son in law, the spring and autumn period and the warring states period Truman also, fathers were killed by the ChuPing king, the king came for WuYuan, he ran to the river, were cut off water, no way, the pursuer, thanks in a fishing boat to save the crossing, wu son in law grateful, insisted that take the sword of a gift in fishing father, father is not affected by fishing, so abundance of intersection, so the sword also, seek the sign, there should not be greedy, are beneficial to the people, in any of the known and unknown, newspaper and don't quote, force to do, notes do not speak money can also, by signing, everything is smooth and clear, in the fierce ominous sign also.

The WuYuan fleeing, difficulties, night hoary head.Luckily escaped to the kingdom of wu in time, help the prince cut chu, after digging ChuPing king's tomb, whipping corpse in spite of three hundred.

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