Goddess of mercy guanyin LingQian LingQian 2 solution 2

Guanyin LingQian2 guanyin LingQian solution 2, I't the sign

Goddess of mercy guanyin LingQian LingQian 2 solution 2, I't the sign

Under the good or ill luck palace: sign the uterus

Whale keep unchanged, rivers do not rise more at high;Future outstand body changes, Xu Jun leap to jump longmen.

Guanyin LingQian: poetry

An image of the hexagrams whales did not change.And always perseveres.

Guanyin LingQian: yue

Have to endure and endure.Resistance and resistance.To be up to.Fame.

Guanyin LingQian: fairy machine

Home - unease itself - willing to seek to owe the deal - marriage - hard to pregnant - as the pedestrians - peace tian silkworm - auspicious animals - bad wanted to see the public litigation, and migration to go to the lost, southeast of disease - qi baoshan grave - auspicious

Guanyin LingQian 2: overall interpretation

When things have not mature in the current position

Do not leave the standard so high

After condition of growth and change in the future

Just can try leaped over the threshold

Whale is the largest fish, but now is only part of the immature small whales, insufficient also withstand wind waves in the ocean.This sign means that, although you have the lofty ideal, but the time is not yet ripe.Should enrich related aspects of the constitution, until after perfecting the relevant conditions, it can achieve in the future the lofty ideal.

This sign the essence

If time is ripe, practice is large.

All things work

This sign is to "whales did not change" to describe the current situation.The whales are fish in the largest, and the current just small whales.But the whale grew up, is the king of fish.

Meaning, it has yet to mature, but, as long as after the mature, it has great achievements.

Love marriage

When asked if the marriage

Not yet at present, various conditions is not completely, so also does not require.But, when the time comes will have great love.

Can you ask, the objects of communication

Although you are tempted, but has no meaning.But, for some more time, you again to pursue.

If the object could further or ask the current communicationTo get married

Your love is not yet mature, should not be currently deals with marriage.But, after mature development, your love will be very happy.

If love, marriage breaking up, stuck, ask or relationship and good

Just break up soon, he would mention compound, obviously too early.Should stay calm after a period of time.At the appointed time, love can compound.

Job startup business

If the job work ask where or future

Your job opportunity has yet to emerge.You should wait for some time to look for a job again.

You ask, career

The current operation is not very prosperous.Opportunity better in the future, their business constitution becomes stronger, then will have good times.

Can you ask, entrepreneurship

Your current various conditions is not very perfect, the timing of the external market is also not to, so you need to wait.Suggest this period of time, do more personal enrichment and preparation, so as to can follow in the future.

The testCompetition promotion campaign

You ask, test or future of various competitions

You ask, future the exam, you good luck before the test, it is difficult to pass.But you can continue to enrich, the next exam will be more favorable to you.

You ask, competitors, the prepared not considerate, experience is not enough, so the competition, election results, there are a lot of space.

You ask, promotion, promotion in transit

, if you want to be a promotion of your condition is superior than others, so can't get the promotion.

Finance and investment

It is not profit, your investment or need to stay, and recovery in the future, you harvest, there will be considerable income.

Doing business

Business is very slow now, you should improve their management constitution, so as to have a booming in the future.

Real estate transactions

Buying and selling the market at present condition.

If belong to the seller, the suggested selling their own physical condition, in order to attract buyers to purchase.If belong to the buyer, the current real estate market has sold condition is not satisfied, you should stay real estate mark time there will be more ideal.

Treating health

The situation hasn't been signs of improvement.If of chronic diseases, it is suggested that using "practice" method can effectively improve.

Conversion changes

If you want to convert all kinds of professional work, school department transition, it is not suitable.Advice later on, if want to change to change.

To pregnant for children

Do you still don't fitpregnancy.Please keep good body, and eliminate karmic obstacles, for future pregnancies.


The current situation, and have no results.Should collect more favorable own project, for future can win or and talk.

Wanted any

To find the people or things, it is in stealth.Now there's no need to search, will emerge in the future.

Travel abroad

Go abroad development, it now seems condition is not good enough.Should equip themselves and various conditions of going abroad.

Guanyin LingQian 2: allusions

Shu qin.The warring states dynasty in luoyang.Guiguzi.Lobby of qin.12 on it said.I can't.Qiu our gold.Haggard.Home to a wife (knit) machine.(don't ignore her husband) putting for cooking.Cooks for his uncle (not) qin angry face.Have to squire Yin operator.All times studying.When idle with the awl stab.Pain and read again.After to us from (vertical).The six nations qin.Said zhao he admire the six phase.

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