Guanyin LingQian guanyin LingQian 16 16

Guanyin LingQianSign the 16:16 guanyin LingQian solution Ye Mengxiong toward

Guanyin LingQian guanyin LingQian 16 16

The good or ill luck palace: window frame house

Pull thought can temporarily open, and out into the sky like uninvited;Hides the jade like dirt, good workmen recommend out of the dust.

Guanyin LingQian: poetry

An image of the hexagrams Yin and Yang harmony.Every country in the ji also.

Guanyin LingQian: yue

Place without loss.Loss of benefit.Little a victim.The gentleman shun ji.

Guanyin LingQian: fairy machine

Home - against itself - qiu dong ji - into a deal - into a marriage for money to become pregnant, false alarm pedestrians - to the blessing of tian silkworm - animals - ping wanted to see the public litigation, the negative migration - conservative items - resistance disease to make the mountain grave, Ann

Guanyin LingQian 16:Overall interpretation

Described the confused things solved at the moment

Through obstacles may see the light

Hides the jade like dirt, and by the experts will find out

Save: CuanMei: eyebrows tight cu.

Zhi: near: describe very close distance.

This sign the essence

A dark day seem bright, a gentleman.Noble recommend, distress.

All things work

This sign described, the matter of the confusion can be solved.Through the noble (experts) of disambiguation, finally find their treasure.

Love marriage

When asked if the marriage

When you are sad day is over, there will be a matchmaker for you to find a good object, then you can smile.

Can you ask, the objects of communication

You love him, maybe I don't know how to pursue his FanChou, or don't know whether he is fit, as long as you are a gentleman's attitude to pursue his, close to him, then you will find that he is a good object.

If the object could further or ask the current communicationTo get married

Contact you for some time, always like a gentleman to get along with, in fact he is a good object, loyalty is worth when it comes to marriage.

If love, marriage breaking up, stuck, ask or relationship and good

Break up stuck to you when you are sad, in fact, misunderstanding happened here may be I don't know.If you can find the other side of the "yes", and don't care about his "no", that your love is recoverable.

Job startup business

If asked to apply for a job

Can't find a job, because the current there is a small obstacles, as long as the small obstacles, then find a job smoothly.You hide the art skills or advantage, it needs to have a vision, the people commend just to watch you, so, when their strengths in the job, can help you find a job.

You ask, job, career, business prospects

In the process of operation, will encounter bottlenecks and make you when you are sad.You need to show your strengths, or need someone to know your strengths, if so, on the job or career development bottleneck, can break through.

The testCompetition promotion campaign

Race competition, little people speculate with patterns, which will be lost.The competitors in a decent way, will stand out,.

Finance and investment

If the finance and investment, when the appropriate way, not taking speculative line, in order to avoid loses.

Doing business

If the battalion business, credit is good, can accumulate more customers.

Real estate transactions

Honest business, is your trading process necessary conditions.

Treating health

Long years of disease, be sure to find itself, can effectively improve their condition.Please practice more, find the "ignorance", if can aware of ignorance, the disease can be improved or recovered.

Conversion changes

When it encounters the bottleneck of the moment, also don't rush to change, you need to have a vision, the people find you.If so, it wouldn't have changed.

To pregnant for children

Your fertility is no problem, you need more knowledge on fertility, can get for youpregnancySuccess.Maybe you need experienced people, to help you find the crux of infertility.


The case needs to have high quality lawyer, separated your innocence or justice.In this case, it is one of little people will defeat.Belongs to a gentleman is one of the parties, may obtain repair.

Wanted any

It lost hidden a secret, if you want to find him, will have a "vision" in order to find it.

Travel abroad

Development to a distant land, will encounter some difficulties, these little obstacle, could be solved.In remote development, whether can achieve fame, if you have a vision, the people, that can in his early days.

Guanyin LingQian 16: allusions

Ye Mengxiong dynasty emperor.The Ming dynasty.Ye Mengxiong jiajing jinshi.Have courage.Loyalty patriotism.Wanli period.Frontier have a coach of the crisis.But no generals dare to special riot.Leaves when meet god emperor.And led the troops against edge.For my country.

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