Che LingQian sign: 15 codes

Che LingQian signed 15: window _ divination in the lottery

Che LingQianSign: 15 codes

Sign: axe jins to be into the mountains, is not made at the time of the place;Damage of the zhou loss, advise you keep staying in the spring.

Solution to sign: home ping ji, of disease as a blessing, marriage, its peace, he attempted for money

Broken sign: home, delay of disease, its hysteresis, and reactive power, marriage, at a loss for money, when the failure life Jian, in vain, everything is conservative, and wait till

House: peace

Travel: shoulds not be long

Marriage: to understand

Pedestrian: to fast

Baby: be careful with panic

Action: in tough negotiations

Career: should be kept

Should not be moved:

Its own: do not rush

Disease: be careful around the waist

Finances: not yet

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