Xuan day god LingQian 44 sign north emperor LingQian upon signing

The xuan LingQian day godUpon signingNorth emperor LingQianUpon signing

44 sign: sun ce anger chop in kyrgyzstan: flat of the hexagrams "signs of informed" dark clouds cover month "cow"

Poems said: / chouqian/beidi/dog serpents ghost cry, snakes hiding the foot line, cold night lights out, the cuckoo called three times,

House: desire incense mascot, Pepsi has no invasion and fresh, spring and summer to realize lip, qiu dong population had peace, the auspicious curtilage four, five, September disease difficult breath lost wealth, male woman gave birth to the appropriate unity and chi, doug is round, is made up of long years of fragrant lamp grace is too heavy, appropriate to thank please lighting light thanks to the residential finance Ding Xingwang,

Old gentleman: dark clouds cover month hazy, sometimes darkness CARDS do not pass, and appropriate conservative party for, until the cloud open a jack of all trades,

Business: spring, summer, why waste by heart, exhausted all rare gold, if god of fortune to add force, qiu dong gain nor light, the gold business is like sand, spring xiali small block, make the wineries transshipment, XiaoJi person appropriate hand-to-mouth buying of the used coolie on profit"

Open shop: the hexagrams informed of trillion, spring bitter past grinding, pay attention to not run at night, the wineries cloud enlightened can get financial, xiao snake dog is not open,

Hexagrams shaw snake dog of the partnership: don't close, more of us are auspicious, grinding bitter small resistance but spring and summer, autumn month Ming can get profit!

: out of the hexagrams on spring season not to talk, a little cut off, fall thick transfer a benefactor assistance, peace is out!

Seeks the hope: autumn winter before to pay, organ exhausted cannot become, you can keep it, Yang and rain scattered clouds open a month since the Ming and the early man had little tired of wealth, should be cautious, with constant bile wisdom pay little Yang seeks to"

Match this is chicken marriage: marriage day, forgive the others said the short-long, slow delay day after day, don't make pipa to don't ship, "into the marriage, but shall be promptly XiaPin meet, because there is little broken, said without hesitation can also"

For profit: gold spring and summer are goods such as sand grinding hard trudge, appropriate working hard during the profit, the partial goods shall not be hard to lose!

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