The xuan day god LingQian 22 north emperor LingQian 22 of the sign

The xuan LingQian day god22 to signNorth emperor LingQian22 to sign

22 sign: yue fei gun pick small Liang Wang hexagrams of "general prevail" fine "fengming disambiguation is mountain," "pig"

Poems said: / chouqian/beidi/pleased to by feast, gold plate with jade cup, longfeng list, more widely known all over the world,

House: well the whole new home in new nest, away from the same group of rabbit, nothing is blessed, dressing like sunny full moon that night, the auspicious curtilage population of hexagrams are happy, but suspicion in the home and and not a disease, is the kitchen god anemic Cheng mouth water, appropriate pick an auspicious day to rebuild a new stove, new channel adjacent curtilage finishing strong flourishing live peace"

Old gentleman: phoenix fly out of the woods, wings to fly back to v and all the birds, a day up the body and the quartet Revere famous,

Business: the 259 business, he has a price is difficult to know, don't greedy tail is, partial financial gain and loss, the business prosperous phase has a benefactor assistance, appropriate USES had bold operation in May up to thick profit"

For hope: a few years to sit a recluse, scenery depression has been empty, this to the sum tai yun, fame and fortune achievement a loud thunder, the age of years man has nothing, is now seeks the matters set bile wisdom dare to dare to do, at three, seven, November can succeed"

Marriage: the old couple to lyre, listen to husband and wife in the static sound, Hugh to waste time, neither goose space is hard to find, the marriage can become, but appropriate XiaPin promptly, must not delay variable delay time things"

: out of luck, the body can be peaceful, bold to have your benefactor assistance in March, can get big profit also!

Open shop: ABU hexagrams of open shop, such as general of trillion in victory, a benefactor assistance should be bold, may be thick profit!

Partnership: the hexagrams of mountain fengming disambiguation of trillion, to unite as one man together can get big profit,

Seek: coffers advantage but at the beginning of time and space, every enterprise should stand bile wisdom pay three, eight, November benefactor assistance, can get profit, partial goods available don't greed and fear not!

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