Cancer boys and Scorpio girls match

The boycancerAnd the girlScorpioConstellation matching

cancerCancer boys and Scorpio girl matching _ the zodiacScorpio

Constellation matching index

Friendship: u u u u

Love: u u u u u

Marriage: u u u u u

Family: u u u u

Talk about feeling required

If this is female and the male is cancer, Scorpio the relationship works the most beautiful.However, due to the effect of 5 to 9 palace type vibration, the couple who is cancer who is in Scorpio does not affect their relationship harmony.Rule of her planet Pluto is stronger than rule his moon - but, the essence of his leadership is stronger than her stubborn nature.His zodiac sign means leadership -- and her zodiac sign the stubborn, unwilling to accept the leadership - this is a comparison between the two big differences.The last two sentences read several times, you will be able to understand previously mentioned the question is how to solve in the final analysis, it needs to mediate.Both of them are gentle, loyalty, feeling warm and rich imagination.They can create all sorts of wonderful things together - hot love, lovely children and successful career."Creation" is a keyword.When the fate of the cancer and Scorpio people together, they can become a formidable power of innovation.

In addition to Capricorn andTaurusOutside, the possibility of cancer and Scorpio people have a long life.In real life, all the people who sign a lot of potential in life.Capricorn people always look younger than his age.Taurus people showed us that the mood calm, patient can make less damage of body and mind, when rest body has begun to decline, their body is still very strong.Cancer people embodies the character of their pegged -- Scorpio in the subconscious know cell regeneration is the secret of longevity.Naturally, if everyone is to master this secret, so many new life will be born.

Cancer men and Scorpio women life is much longer than the average person, if they can be more than the other partner can tolerate each other, get along, that will be a very lucky thing.After the wedding, the first few years at least, they don't have YanFanGan on each other.

Besides there are advantages and disadvantages, and some different aspects between them, and their differences tend to be the beginning of conflict.She controlled by Pluto, intensely emotional, she'll have a revenge when angry impulse, he does not have these.If Scorpio people attack cancer people over a long period of time in his mantle, their happiness life there may be some crisis.If both of them another differences into their same points of the character, could shake their relationship.This divergence is what she can't understand his cautious, he occasionally show timidity, and he is reluctant to let the idea of destiny to dominate his life.When their life faces the challenge and appear some problems, she is hard to understand why he lack courage.She must remember that all cancer people before forward is always the first to flank or walk a few steps back, in order to have time to carefully consider all the possibilities, from this point, he on the material life and emotional life is a brilliant tactician.Although she is very introverted and on the surfaceA womanFlavour is dye-in-the-wood, but she is not afraid of anything.As a result, he bring widowhood is puzzled her and made her uneasy.Also, she could for those unknown dangerous thing very curious, and it made him feel fear and upset.

Most of the time, their conflict can quickly melt in cancer people humor.Cancer people in angry, after careful will suddenly laugh, there is no more surprising than this more happy.She needed his laughter, humor has the healing of the wound, it is a bridge between frame in the misunderstanding and understanding.Finally, they will gradually understand each other, respect each other.

But humor has both good and bad.Destroy the enemy the fastest way is not through the abuse of the language, but by derision.Cancer people must pay attention not to use too much sense of humor, or sometimes made her feel very funny.After she heard his joke but don't want to laugh, it's because she's very seriously and has a strong ego to protect consciousness.Excessive or inappropriate jokes to make her hurt.When Scorpio women really angry (that doesn't happen very often, because after years of effort, her emotional control ability is quite strong, she's the crab crab husband lucky enough to have a hard shell, he can hide inside until the storm past or stopped spewing lava volcano to get out again.

He does not allow others to take him to do to make fun of the object.When he is sensitive to tender feelings hurt, he would break into a furious rage, for days, weeks, months are very angry, or even years.When he stayed in the crab shells waiting for emotional wound healing, even makes them powerful Pluto power also couldn't get him out of protection shell of the neighborhood.

So the problem appeared.Despite their zodiac belongs to that kind of harmonious 5 -- 9 compatibility mode, or so big a stone as if between them.They are carefully around it - or will it blow up from the start.The problem is the "secret".They both like to keep your secret, but can't tolerate each other has not known for his secret.Can you imagine this is how?Think about it.It is obvious that someone has to make some concessions to do it.

In terms of their individual and common secrets, secret together has not become a secret between them.There are always some time, his heart was hidden secrets and what she wants.Sometimes, she always keep before him with some mystery, he wants to know her.If some for cancer people think, especially his wife has not known for his secret, no matter how trivial the secret is, whether it involves their feelings, he would be curious couldn't sleep all night.A Scorpio women in the same situation will also show a strong curiosity.Difference is that his actions such as nail biting, frowning to show that his anxiety, and she put the desire to ascertain each other secret hidden deep in the heart.Because she knows how to use good ask means to pay the secret from his mouth.Which made him very depressed because he can always in front of others good clever hid the secret, and proud of it.Here you wish good advice, they can be as much as possible not to hide secrets to each other, but they cannot do it.So, they have to make a fight.

Cancer men and Scorpio women can successfully complete their sex life.They both symphony of destiny is always so coordination, their sex for love rainbow protective - unless they are signs of the zodiac chart interference caused by static electricity a few little conflict.Type in 5 to 9 palace under the vibration of the birth of the child is the real "love crystallization".Although this kind of thing can happen in 5 to 9 palace type sign a partner.When a male and a female, the fate of the light and he called the a star in the universe was born in the world.The light of love call the noble souls came to earth, but only for the love of sensual verve driven can make some souls came to earth.The two souls must enter the circle of life fate, then gradually grow.

Typically, cancer and Scorpio people have a need to be reminded them to fulfill the responsibility given by the universe.Perfect and harmonious sex they can create a smart lovely child.Can they instinctively, the combination of the mental, emotional, and physical three find joy of the secret key, and those who separate the sexual desire and spirit, pursuit of sensual people will never feel the happiness.Cancer and Scorpio love and appear to make their sex life to be envied.This also explains why cancer and Scorpio has strong attraction between couples.If they are separate, then will be endless pain.If two people quarrel, they can always find a variety of opportunities to be reconciled.

Scorpio women's attitude toward sex is very serious, even the sex is regarded as a very sacred thing.However, if she found that her love has not been returned, her heart will fly to somewhere else without regret.This for her as a baby cancer man, is nothing less than to be a warning.Cancer men sentimental, sometimes love, sometimes is exciting.He must be conscious of the unconscious nightmare out his heart, reflected a tender interesting cancer male character, otherwise, he will be more easy to lose his temper, until his softer side in nature, he is rich and romantic imagination all disappear, then he can only be crawling around in dismay, of course, is a cross to cross to crawl, straight home, looking for the can always understand his mother.His mother was alive, or dead, she is always the only completely understand his women in the world.You might as well look for a time, and enquire at her mouth, he will tell you all about his mother.If he is the sort of adopted as a child, or are still therebabyWhen the mother was unfortunately died of cancer, he would dream of his mother, he can imagine she must understand oneself.Cancer of the Oedipus complex, it is very strong.

As Scorpio people of insight, cancer people dream is very fragile, and needs to have a gentle protection from the harsh reality.That two people should be sincere love each other, because people don't respect her like cancer men, no one will like Scorpio women can treat him gently dream -- in addition to his mother.His mother agreed to their union, regardless of where the mother is, she always can give a Scorpio daughter-in-law with endless understanding.

Not like other men, gentle cancer men can forgive Scorpio women occasionally fury, hurtful words and ACTS of revenge.Because when he wasThe child, have studied himself can never forget the lesson, he knew that the opposite of love is not hate, the opposite of love is indifference.In fact, for those Scorpio women look down upon, she has never been very look down on them, as if they don't exist.However, for those who she used to give yourself a man, or the man she loved, no matter how long ago it happened in - many years ago or yesterday - she never despise them.This is also her well an inner secrets.

People who want to care about her mask on the face of a cold, it's just for her inner pain and suffering.Her feelings may be due to love to hate, and hate to love, but, with her man, she never gave him with indifference.Because of this, cancer men can take aloof from her heart.

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