Dream of the pond

Dream of the pond is what mean?Dream dream of pond?Dream of pond with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the pond the detailed solution.

Dream of the pond

Dreaming that fell into the pond, you can talk with people, especially in business.

Dream of boating in the pond or lake, draw up.Such as in newspapers, television's award-winning quiz activities, you can win this should be very high, can to participate.

Dreamed that fell into the pond, means your life floating a lot recently, need not worry too much.

The staff dreamt that fell into the pond, means transferred, also can't adapt to as soon as possible.

Businessman dreamt that fell into the pond, business more twists and turns on the road, but overall is good.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: in the dream of the pond, shows you want to understand their feelings and the feelings of desire.The pond in the forest represents the ability to understand their desire for peace and quiet.In a cityswimmingPool represents the with all sorts of feelings between a temperate regular communication.Symbol of the pools on the roads before we will continue to implement the plan to the dreamer must first solve the emotional problem.

Psychoanalysis: if the dreamer hope to further understand the nature of himself, he must study the dream of the pond, have to dive into the pool, direct contact with their own feelings.The pond also says washing, especially cleaning the past trauma and unpleasant feeling, also clean the past SINS.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, the dream pool implies deep emotional or sexual desire.

Dream of the pond

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