Dream of the bark

What is the meaning of dream of bark?Dream dream of bark?Dream of bark have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of the bark of the detailed solution.

Dream of the bark

Dream of bark, remind you associate with the opposite sex, care should be taken to mean it, otherwise it may get into trouble.

Tree tall and straight, the symbol of the people's health.

Dream of green trees, will be a strong, increasing population.

Dream of dead trees, there will be a disaster, sickness.

Dream of large tracts of forest, means rich life happiness.

Dream of cut down a tree, is a dangerous warning, may also be a is planning to travel to far away.

Dream of planting trees, you will be very happy, family is very happy, someone will be a gift to you.

Dream of the lush lucky precursors.

If that is a green tree, said may be encountered in good friends.

Dreamed of bark case analysis

Dream description: dreamed I looking for driving the bark, let the bark peeling off, strip off to one of the tree, find inside is empty, there are a lot of gone mouldy watermelon, and then slowly climb up from the inside out a long, long red snake, still have a long head above a small head, and then out of a serpent, and a few small, I don't tube him, then I only remember I use a long bamboo pole picked them together as far as possible, and the villagers near, excuse me this dream means what?

Dreams resolution: the dream is to remind you note with the opposite sex, attention should be paid to see each other face, must not light meaning believe, or is likely to be cheated, money is damaged.

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