Dream of raspberries

What is the meaning of dream of raspberries?Dream dream of raspberries, ok?Dream of raspberries with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution of raspberries.

Dream of raspberries

Unmarried men dream of raspberries, will marry a girl of beauty, such as white jade, healthy for his wife.

The married man dream of eating raspberries, couples harmony, happiness.

Married women dream of raspberries, predict husband for concubinage, or received woman:

Unmarried women dream of raspberries, will give others a concubine, or future husband don't like yourself, falling in love with the otherA woman

The patient dreamed of raspberries, body will fully recover soon,

Traders dream of raspberries, soon to go abroad.

Dream of eat rotten raspberries, one of the days to come.

Dream of eating raspberries, mean to get sick.

Dream of buying mature raspberry is auspicious, home to the in-laws.

Dream of selling raspberries, unfortunately the days to come.

Dream of raspberries to others, will be famous.

Dream of raspberries, is good omen, the honored guest arrives soon.

Dream of the wifeGive yourself, raspberries is a symptom of a prosperous, his wife gave birth to a boy.

Dream of raspberries

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