Dream of jasmine

Dream of jasmine is what mean?Dream dream of jasmine, ok?Dream of jasmine has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see below (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of jasmine detailed solution.

Dream of jasmine

Jasmine fragrance, aroma is extremely thick, symbolizes the marriage.

Unmarried men dream of jasmine wreath to lovers, they the upcoming wedding.

The married man dreamed of jasmine wreath, mean wife constancy to myself.

Dream of wild in open jasmine, means that children will marry.

Dream of psychology

Main marriage dream explanation: jasmine.Jasmine fragrance, aroma is extremely thick, symbolizes the marriage.

Psychoanalysis: what does it mean to dream of jasmine, home to some of their marriage.

Dreamed of jasmine case analysis

The dream description: remember my high school, then the more popular the song "jasmine".Fragrance of jasmine quietly elegant later also entered my dreams, I dreamed I have a pot of jasmine, small plants open flower is full of beautiful jasmine, house with light fragrance.(women, 34)

Dreams resolution: jasmine, is a sign of love success or physically fit.Dream of pure and fresh quietly elegant of jasmine, shows that state of mind in your heart with warmth.Dream of jasmine, both men and women, you can get like jasmine beautiful sweet love.If is the patient dreamed of jasmine, the body will recover soon.

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