Dream of orange

What's the meaning of dream of the oranges?Dream dream of orange?Dream of oranges have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dream of orange small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of orange

Orange to transport.Orange bright red symbol of the good luck in the future.

Dream of ruddy full of orange, suggest you will be good luck, popularity.

The mellow dream of orange, suggesting that to luck, there will be a surprise.

unmarriedA womanDream of ripe oranges, indicate there will be a very good reputation.

Dream of orange, to pay more attention to health, suggest you may get sick.

If married men dream of buy oranges, second wife, will marry a beautiful young woman.

Unmarried men dream of buy oranges, indicated that would marry a healthy and beautiful wife.

Unmarried women dream of buy oranges, will become a married man's mistress.

Dream to send someone an orange, you will be affected by other people's love and praise.

Business people dreamed of peel orange peel or squeezed orange juice, indicate there will be a big business, lucrative.

Dream of trees and lush orange tree full of ripe oranges, health and success.

Dream of eating oranges, is unlucky dream, you is mainly because of a friend or relative diseases, the atmosphere of the career dissatisfaction with each other will also spread.

If the orange nice colour, taste sweet, indicate your bad luck will be diluted.

Young women dream of eating oranges, indicated that she might lose lover.

Young women dream of assaying the good oranges hung high in the branches, indicated that she will be careful in numerous suitors to choose a husband.

Dream of slipping on a orange skin, predict the death of relatives.

Dream of the wifeWant you to buy oranges, then ate oranges, indicated that the complex factors will turn into hate.

Dream of someone in an orange orchard, means that there are several enemies, they will suffer from various perspectives.Therefore, attention should be paid to business competitors, avoid risk in a timely manner, and safety.

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