Dream of white gourd

Dream of wax gourd is what mean?Dream dream of wax gourd, ok?Dream of wax gourd with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of wax gourd detailed solution.

Dream of white gourd

Dream of wax gourd, this is a good dream.If you want to have the official Long, you will be successful this time, not only can an, you is also very good, the good interpersonal communication is also very advantage, people around will be very trust you.

Dream of wax gourd, dry the dragon in the day, good.Say you will rise high, and you will gain the trust of others.

Traders dream of wax gourd, promises to be a recent business is very good, make a lot of money.

Men dreamed of wax gourd, means to get a promotion in the company.

The old man dreamed of wax gourd, signal will be affected by other people's respect and trust.

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