Girls and boys type B blood type A pair

Type B bloodGirls and boys type B blood type A matching _ type characterType A blood,

  Results: a not equal to idea will be conflict

Although type A and type B in the thought method, response to the surroundings, and behavior and so on have very big difference, but it's easy to form A good friend.It also suggests that different from his own people and things that are attractive to people.

Type A and type B special talked about her;Each other the same way of thinking and expressing in a conversation became very good at stimulating factors.For type A, such as the other party is O, type A is often at the receiver, and get along with type B, will be articulate, because this is the best for type A diversion.Type B people already to talk see, if they with type A companion, that more has the feeling of topics with friends - this is A pair of the most appropriate conversation.

But, if A type A with type B working or living together, they will immediately in action, between foreign measures and disposal methods of things friction and conflict.The first blush of tend to be stereotyped type A.And they don't like B informal character, remember not to get angry.

Type A with type B if only from the perspective on the role of collaboration, they can have A combination of A variety of forms.Can each other in the broad areas of cooperation, complement each other, become a powerful combination.

Therefore, for the combination, understand the blood type and temperament of differences between oneself and the other is most important.Type A people for type B people's words and deeds don't alawys in heart, haggle over every ounce;Type B should as far as possible in the direction of the type A wish.In addition, divide the responsibilities of both clear is also an efficient way.For comparison, type A people are good at love and esteem each other.

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