Suitable for AB blood children reading methods and advice

Suitable forAB bloodThe child's reading methods and advice

AType B bloodChildren have children careful with type B children understanding, many children of AB blood type belongs to wisdom.But because of too much confidence, a cavalier attitude about things, and easy fickle, and AB blood children often do things appear urgent and no perseverance.For this type of children, parents must be the idea of "persistent" instilled in them, let them understand that perseverance to succeed.AB blood child's concentration is very strong, suitable learning "concentration", that is, in a certain period of time, read intently to a subject, if the children can read very into god, even if it is time to rest, don't interrupt him, let him read on, the effect will be good.

Suitable for AB blood reading methods and advice _ type character of the children

But AB blood children is lack of perseverance, so in the choice of resources, avoid choose pages or royalty too much, lest the child read half give up don't want to read.If possible, try to teach children homemade a your own specialized reference books.How homemade reference books?Is to let children to imitate the form of reference books, will be the focus of the textbooks, essence extracted in the notebook, on their own experience or thoughts at the same time.AB blood children particularly liked to original things, if can make their own a reference book of their own, they will feel fresh and interesting fondle admiringly.

Because AB blood child is shy, sensitive, parents to chide the blood children, it is easy to hurt the child's self-esteem, affect a child's emotions.So parents should avoid to use "idiot" and "useless", such as intense and exaggerated words scolded child, even unintentionally or joke, the child may also can't afford.(Blood type and personality /xx/)

AB blood children have a strong sense of self-esteem and pride, if can use praise to motivate their superiority, will make them more motivated, more can reach their potential.In addition, very suitable for use rewards and punishment for AB blood children and clear the way, if the parents can skillfully use prize rewards children, children tend to become more positive and more efforts.

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