Type A woman wedding song

Type A blood,The womanTo get marriedBook of songs

Type A girl's wedding doesn't have to be luxurious, is gorgeous, also don't have to be A lot of people, they like simple and economical form, the best is only relatives and close friends, familiar with and understand their people to participate in, the wedding at the same time can also chat with relatives and friends, communicate feelings, lively happy together to celebrate.

Although traditional type A female hobby is simple, but the traditional etiquette is enough to do.Don't have to star hotel, but the taste must be very good.

Type A woman married secret _ type character(Blood type and personality /xx/)

Jewelry is handed down from previous generations best meaningful family heirlooms, in their mind these jewelry is more meaningful than diamonds, gold, more precious, they feel that the wedding is the most meaningful, the most happiness.

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