AB blood boy fall in love at first sight

It was love at first sight, like those of a gorgeous fireworks across the quiet night sky, is the heaven arrangement to people's surprise gift of love!So, different type of boy, fall in love at first sight is what kind of?

AB bloodBoys - gossip type love at first sight

AType B bloodThe boy although rationality is very strong, is not willing to believe in love at first sight, but they are the easiest to appearance beautiful girl attract the kind of guy!So, when there is a beauty, they are often occur at the first sight.

Love at first sight _ blood type AB blood boys character

Side of the heart and myself not to be like a person, and could not help but to be near each other quickly.But not show are crazy, but will show very gossip, entangled by the other party ask east asked west, or through each other's friends curious to explore everything he wants to know, make girls think he is a survey of registered permanent residence.(Blood type and personality /xx/)

It was love at first sight: 70%

AB blood men fall in love at first sight

The duke of zhou interprets of query