Is long mole good on foot?The meaning of the mole on your foot

The net friend to ask: feet long mole good?

aFeet long mole have good and bad, depending on the specific location and the color, size.Generally live mole frequently symbolizes joy and prosperity.Die nevus recept.

【 basisfacesLittle knowledge: what is a dead mole, what is a live mole?

"Live mole" refers to the skin black and shiny on the surface of the mole, with a large (about 0.5 centimeters), color black (or red) such as Zhu Bai scaramouche, high luster, convex, long hair.Living is also called ji nei, your birthmark.As opposed to a live mole, dead mole has a little color, turbidity, dry, dark light, the characteristics of the flat flat, glabrous.Dead mole, is fierce, evil nei.

The meaning of the mole on your foot

Instep with nevus

1, the instep with nevus: this is the so-called "two legs", such a life is not so good, life, running around.

Foot great toe has a mole

2 and feet great toe have mole: the so-called "named ferocity", because the thumb rule, the born on toes nevus is a leading talent, the survey said.

Other toes have a mole

3, other toes have mole: is the so-called "home", people like go run for life, is also a hard life.

Is long mole between toes

4, and between the toes long mole: such people usually have lots of money, which means that the money is there, is a good symbol.

The foot, ankle length side nevus

5, the foot and ankle long mole: the side so that the person is also belong to the hard life.

Heel long mole

6, heel long mole: this is the so-called "slave", so the person can tube a lot of people, is a good life life, riches and honour.

The foot long mole

7, the foot long mole: is the so-called "feng hou belt", this kind of people can do place a long time, and at the side, like our sole importance mountain is long mole.Feng shui, said Mr Sole nevus is eat to live this life easy.XiangShu said: "in more than a foot, riches and honour, troops stationed two foot have a mole, Zhang Shougui a foot has a mole, is the proof, but recently have sole nevus and not rich not expensive, will make its delicate and pretty, or damage to other department, or the mole lack original ear" foot heart long mole, master with a silver spoon in her mouth.Thirty around each planet can compete for.Big expensive (this is the Ming dynasty, there was a report) about the seven long, for the foot seven stars over the world.Very expensive (qing dynasty nuerhachi around the long seven)

Is long mole good on foot?The meaning of the mole on your foot

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