See from woman hand what do in the future

fromA womanPalm what do see the future

A person's fate is in your own hands, this sentence not only illustrates the future rely on our hands to create wealth, also illustrates the fate already everything from when we were born in our hand, refuses to accept life, many people think the day after tomorrow efforts can change your fate, to get what we want.

See from woman hand what do in the future

Women can through his palm to know their future may be engaged in the industry

1, the color of the palm

Palm color white is ferro profit, it means life is rich and rich may home conditions, received little, basically didn't do any labor work, didn't meet what big bumpy life, it is easy to marry into rich, this kind of person is suitable for a career in the civilian aspects of, if his palm with blood red, this is a hard life, want oneself to;If it is dark yellow, on behalf of marry a rich man little chance.

Can choose a career: teacher, secretary, clerk, preschool teacher, a housewife, etc.

2, financial management

In the palm of your handLove lineAbove a pair of parallel lines are referred to as the financial pattern, have this kind of money grain people are usually for the boss, the boss money, this kind of person is exquisite, like the work of boring logical, menstruation often is the inside of the big company accountant or cashier, usually help somebody else's money, of course, oneself will also finance, basically it is difficult to cheat money from her pocket, so won't be short of money, just this kind of person more cautious, like haggle over every ounce, may quarrel with people, neighborhood folks relations not harmonious, adoring husband and wife.

Can choose a career: accounting, cashier, the cashier, file manager, etc.

3, have money line

The ring finger and one is money on the line.Also called successful line.If you have, no matter what things are smooth and rich, this kind of person is favored, not for money troubles, study allowance is never short of, want have consistently been able to get.Successful line indicates success or popularity.This line can be made of different position, but the tip into the sun high (ring finger root).This line can be called (luck), can be seen that success is good or bad luck.

Can choose a career: hr and administrative assistant, marketing personnel, waiter, executives, and so on.

4, cheng wen

Thumb in the first quarter section refers to the fingerprint is a circle above the lines is called cheng wen, this kind of person born luck is very good, as long as it is to choose the things is the best, usually people with cheng will be a good husband and wife, marriage happy happy life, even if is a cause of money may not be so abundant, also can say that life and clothing, children's close.

Can choose a career: e-commerce, wechat business, computer network technology personnel, etc.

5, three leopard grain

Average person there is a horizontal stripes on the index finger is called knuckles lines, if there are three knuckles grain called three lines, about this man in life is not lack of money, weak character, sweet nothing definite view instead of a lovable, often came by the peach blossom, for example, a woman may marry to a rich husband, or any other boys will take money to her, or do business of women supplies.

Can choose a career: wedding design, the pet shop assistant, civil servants, designers, taobao sellers, etc.

Touch a woman decided to work in the future

1.Line starts at different lifeline and wisdom

Line is straight and parallel lines, lifeline and wisdom means that the person's life is very strong, in some speculation will have larger development potential, it is easy to get rich overnight.Such as gambling, such as equities, just waiting for the moments of opportunity, will be able to become a local tyrants overnight.

2,Lifeline is curve extends to the elbow

Lifeline to see big curve reaches to the elbow, there is less palms, but people have this kind of hand can also make fortunes strong person, such people can rely on their intuition guess target for a huge sum of money, so this kind of person is more suitable for stock and other industries.

3,Lifeline, wisdom, line and line of the feelings at the same starting point

If a person and the palms, and is a straight across the palm of your hand, means that the person value data is better than with their own ideas, have this kind of palms to the National People's Congress is more rational than emotional man, this kind of person is suitable person and make a company white-collar.

4,The sun line appear in the island

Have to hand in, in career is not suitable for to participate in social or about money problems, for people who have such palms, to you it will be really unexpected trap, so people with such palms still had better give priority to in order to keep the better.

The future can be seen from the woman palms related content do what work

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