A woman to do small three palms

A womanDo small three palms

On hand there is a line called influence line, the line is easy to be the mood fluctuation, which can make the person's mood often will be affected.Influence line is diagonal stretch in the lifeline of the medial and is more than a lifeline.If only some finely grain so just have some fluctuations of feelings, if it is a deep and long line then it is not only influence line, but the line "obstacle", and easy to do small three women tend to have a "island grain barrier line".

When the end of the influence line to form the island, it is "island grain line", the palm has certain electra complex, and tend to be visually and married, so easy to become a third party.Because of electra complex emotional orientation to let these women is easy to meet a mature man, if is correct in the teenager so innocuous, it is recommended that this palm of women work to strengthen their own activity, increase their knowledge field of vision, forming good emotional cognitive view.More important is to have "island grain barrier line" of women if lines of the palm downward bend down and it's easy to fall into many lovers, so be careful what you say, be careful to trouble for yourself.

A woman to do small three palms

A woman to do small three palms

Line 1, the marriage of Trinidad and Tobago

Have more than four people marriage chaos, single-minded to emotional life is not easy, enjoy the pleasure of the body more than spirit.Desire is strong, so to cheat is the norm.

A woman to do small three palms

2,Love lineOn Venus

Here too much grain, lust is a belt, if do not pay enough attention to emotional line, bent, own the palms of people with a higher probability of infidelity, such if feelings line in your palm and belt are in chains, derailed the chance will be higher.Venus mound refers to 'thumb root uplift, around the part of the thumb, on behalf of the health and vitality.Grain feelings line also known as "day".Extend from the bottom of the little finger toward the direction of the index finger of the line, the influence is the quality and the attitude of love, etc.Feelings online has a belt, here too much grain, lust is a belt, if do not pay enough attention to emotional line, bent, and that people with this kind of palm with a higher probability of cheating, if affection line with Venus in such palms with are in chains, is more obvious.

3, on the lower end of the lifeline and the medial influence put out a line to the end of the line into the island

This "father feeling knot" is not only the psychological, and may have relationship with married, known as "er nai", because she is older and self-serious man, have a tendency to the attachment of the subconscious, so it's easy to become a "er nai".Actually this kind of abnormal psychology, can change to come over when young, more to participate in the activities of young people, in addition to strengthen their own activity, knowledge is also important to enhance their own knowledge.But one thing to be clear, if there are lines influence line "island" of women, palm feelings line bend down and down, is very easy to Angle into the love, into trouble, a lot more to pay attention to your behavior.

Women do small three lewd palms

Women do small three lewd palms

Modern look and feel of sensuality, already and there is a big old respectively, the ancient women's chastity more important than life, three steps out of the door of a boudoir;Now women have not come to this one, this is the world of equality between men and women, men, women also can do, but when it comes to sex male, people said he is at best the prodigal, romantic.But if fell upon women, can give a person a lewd, this can't be equality between men and women not easily also.

From the perspective of palmistry, loose women fingers of the third quarter will be very fat, because this kind of palm of female sexual desire is very strong, but also attaches great importance to the material desire, but still not a lusty, if coupled with the "Venus mound" particularly plump, excessively uplift, regeneration has a "indulgence line", this is lascivious woman.If Venus mound general fullness, not fat fingers the third quarter, with rich feelings and love is a woman, this is a good hand, but now added "to line" in the third quarter, and obesity became emotional abuse and tend to lust.

Usually doing small three women

A,Lazy, pleasure-seeking woman

Lazy, good advantage, pleasure-seeking, she won't go to do a prostitute, think it is shameful to prostitutes, she also want to rant "er nai" and the "third party" shame on you, but she can one after another and different men to go to bed.Such women face decline, mostly out of shape, as long as each other like, she can and doormen, cleaners, colleagues, or not a relationship for boss impotence, and its purpose is to a discount on a T-shirt, a basket of unit sent fruit, or to travel, even on a business trip to bring the benefits of children such as she thought.

Second,Tender but little woman

There is always some girls, they are young, fashion, beautiful, full of vitality, their family environment is superior, the road to grow well, therefore, for them, the world is wonderful, life is good.Such a girl to the old man is happy, can say is the first choice for old men psychosexuality object.Yes, this girl is very smart, very realistic, they pursue pleasure, romantic, a love her man too little, ten such a man is never too much.They made no attempt to and which manTo get married, have never thought of doing other people's lover and mistress or girlfriend?They are good at playing with all kinds of men, as long as you are able to make her happy, satisfy her vanity.Go to bed, also became the follow.

Three, "treasures outside its, defeat garrulous among them" woman

Four, the so-called "also" refers to such a woman has the appearance of "good", but it is a simple, seem to be any man can on the sounds of woman.There is such a woman, pretty, a first-class, will dress up, will play the woman, they smile a raised eyebrow will be acceptable to any man around the wrong information, particularly exciting, for men, is such a woman at enmity with you game, ShuaXinYan.Therefore, this woman is always surrounded by the heterogeneous man, also let other women only envy ground to scold a way: "two hundred and fifty!"Such women may be from a man on the bed to another man's bed, the man need to pay only the energy, time and money.

Four,Rich couples Pepsi sorrow

Anyway, he is a good man, is also very good for you.Once, what do you think so then you have enough, you are willing to and his self-made man, like the swallow take mud and build their nest, bit by bit is indeed to do so.One day you experienced the BMW cars, sparkling stars of luxury hotels, you are like a shrinking fruit, suddenly the enough moisture and glamorous still.You fall down, does he is a woman who can be material inducement.

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