What means teeth arrangement is uneven

What means teeth arrangement is uneven?

What means teeth arrangement is uneven?

Arrange uneven teeth, his personality irritable, cranky and sensitive, and emotional ups and downs, words are also more false, is not easy to get along with people, in late march progressively downhill.

If the baby appear "difficulty in sleeping, inability to sleep after the sweat, cry, easy to wake, pillow after hair loss;Teething late, or teeth arrangement is uneven;The symptom such as chicken breast or funnel chest ", should be timely detection of trace elements, etc to the hospital, under the guidance of calcium supplements.

Children grow very beautiful, it happened teeth, don't even have to go to the doctor.It is because what?What makes them should be neat little teeth changed shape?

When we were talking about tooth arrangement, need to clear some concepts.Of teeth and jaw, the dictionary explanation is: oral cavity of the upper and lower bone and muscle tissue.Popular point said, upper jaw is top of the teeth and surrounding tissues, at the bottom of the lower jaw is the teeth and surrounding tissues.Dental arch, a closer look at each of us the upper teeth and lower teeth are arranged in together, form a u-shaped respectively, it is the dental arch.Ok, let's talk about influence of several factors one child tooth development.

Mother baby teeth

Do you know, if you want to have a clean healthy teeth, from her motherpregnancyWhen they should be paid attention to.If mother prenatal malnutrition, lack of fetal growth and development must be calcium phosphate minerals such as iron and vitamin B, C, D, etc., are likely to cause fetal dysplasia or dysplasia.During pregnancy, the mother by trauma or by high doses of radiation of radiation, can also cause abnormal fetal development.Fetal organ development is throughout the course of the pregnancy, body dysplasia may be on the teeth, cause birth defects in oral cavity.Early pregnancy illness such as rubella, poisoning, endocrine dysfunction, and other infectious diseases may also affect the degree of fetal bone calcification, eruption of teeth, tooth root absorption, even lead to tooth agenesis or deformity.

There are some diseases could damage the teeth

Baby health is to ensure that the basis of craniofacial bone and tooth development.A lot of acute or chronic disease in influencing health at the same time, more affect facial and body growth and development.Childhood happens with high heat rash of acute infectious diseases, such as, chicken pox, measles, scarlet fever, etc., can make the form teeth damaged tissue development, affect the tooth form in the future.Indigestion, gastroenteritis, chronic debilitating diseases such as tuberculosis, polio, serious damage to the body's nutritional status, so get in the way of growth and development of the upper and lower jaw teeth bone of malocclusion deformity, such as upper jaw thrust forward, jaw thrust forward, after maxillary and mandibular retraction, etc.

Another serious affect bone disease rickets.Due to the improvement of living conditions and improvement of living standards, serious rickets is rare, but quite a few patients with light.The disease is caused by a lack of infants and young children affected by sunlight, calcium phosphate intake of vitamin D deficiency and make the food out of balance, calcium can not be normal sedimentary part in the growth of the bone, so that the distortion.Jaw bone deformity of maxillary arch stenosis (U width is not enough), forward teeth (above 6 teeth) crowded, thrust forward and opening and closing (on tooth contact is not up and down).

Baby affected teeth chewing function

Children of any organ need reasonable use, properly function to normal development, the mouth organ is no exception.Common some children eat too soft, lack of sufficient rigidity, their inadequate of chewing function, lack of development of the teeth and jaw system normal physiological stimulation, this is cause dental arch hypoplasia, crowded teeth malocclusion deformity of an important factor.

Therefore, children's food, in addition to the high protein, high vitamin, should emphasize physical traits rich fibrous food, some rough and chewy.Let children eat food has a certain hardness, enhance their chewing function, so as to promote the normal development of teeth and reduce the prevalence of caries and periodontal disease.Develop good chewing function, is to prevent malocclusion deformity one of the most natural and effective way.Therefore, we should avoid eating highly delicate, soft, viscous food, this kind of food is easy to cause dental malocclusion deformity.

The sucking and respiratory function to stimulate teeth

Suck function: suck function isbabyThe instinct of the activity.The baby was born, mandibular relative to the maxilla in the position of the back.If breastfeeding, it is can give a lower jaw with the appropriate functional stimulation, can make the chin forward to normal position.If it is artificial feeding, if the baby sucking posture is not correct, or pacifier size is not suitable for baby months, can make the baby's jaw forward inadequate or excessive forward, mandibular retraction or jaw thrust forward deformity.

Respiratory function: the normal nasal respiratory function, to ensure the normal development of maxillofacial.Chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, turbinate hypertrophy, nasal septum congestion, adenoid hypertrophy and nasal tumors, etc., make some or all of the nasal cavity block, affects normal nasal breathing, forcing the baby mouth breathing, also can cause the growth of maxillofacial deformities, characterized by narrow maxillary arch, front teeth crowding or thrust forward, jaw thrust forward.If you find the baby whether or when sleeping at ordinary times, always with the mouth breathing, must take him to the hospital to check whether there is some problems mentioned above.

Bad habits of irregular teeth

Suck habits: almost all children are in the habit of sticky but if five or six years old children have this habit, may lead to obvious malocclusion deformity.Suck your thumb put thumb was appear between the upper and lower front teeth, can prevent normal anterior tooth eruption, form a circular opening front teeth (refers to the upper and lower teeth contact).

Tongue habits: children in the right issue commonly used the tip of the tongue lick loose teeth or incipience permanent teeth, thus forming tongue or tongue habit.Tongue stretching between the upper and lower front teeth, forming local opening and closing, there are scattered gap between teeth.

Labial habit: after 6 years of age, labial habit bite lip habit will cause teeth before the close, the jaw thrust forward.Biting his lower lip can lead to come forward to tooth thrust forward, mandibular retraction, labial teeth, upper lip short, thick, etc.

Partial lateral chewing habits: develops in late baby teeth, because the child side of normal teeth chewing function is impaired, he can only use the other sideHave a meal, after a long time, cause facial asymmetry about development.Don't often eat a side because of the lack of food scour, tartar easy plaque accumulation, prone to tooth decay and gum disease.

Long gnaw fingernail biting habit: children, or bite Angle, piping, cuff, thy skirts, pillow and sucking pacifier, because bite things fixed in a certain place, thus forming local small movable deformities.

Sleep, the sleep habits: children often elbow or fist pillow under the side of the face, or use the hand, drag a side etc all can affect the normal development of maxillofacial and facial symmetry.

Beware of deciduous teeth caries

Healthy teeth can guarantee the normal development of permanent teeth, and guide the normal permanent teeth eruption.Many parents think baby teeth broken it doesn't matter, anyway, eventually will fall, this is a deep repugnance to the idea.Permanent teeth eruption in baby teeth under development, if the baby teeth caries especially serious, it is likely to affect the baby teeth root root affect the development of permanent teeth below and cause the teeth to form deformities.Or because of a few teeth decay, reduce width of teeth, or baby teeth seriously premature decay falls off, the teeth moved forward, behind the after this will result in permanent teeth eruption of the space crunch, the permanent teeth dislocation will appear even ambush unable to appear in the bones.Know the factors affecting tooth development, parents can decide which time to correct the bad habits of your baby, hope your child can have a healthy beautiful teeth.

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