What kind of auspicious photograph is the head

What kind of auspicious photograph is the head

Man's head is the most noble place, the body is the first of the skeleton or elders, sun be the spirit of convergence.The head high and assumes the circular, symbol tty.Skull plump and swelled as well, full-bodied and highlight for good, skin should be thick;With wide forehead is good, the appropriate short, thick, long forehead is appropriate.The forehead top bulging is noble.Forehead fall collapse is short-lived.Forehead thin skin is poor humbleness, with meat on the Angle of the National People's Congress.Forehead on the right side of the collapse is harmful to the mother, the forehead on the left side of subsidence is adverse to the father.Call life of bone, bone behind the ear longevity longevity of bone is raised;Life of bone to sink people die young.Temporal bones, called fuso bone, bone, bone called jade floor above the ear of both bone with a silver spoon in her mouth.When walking shake head, sit down person is poor, the phase;Thinning hair, thin skin on the face are rich appearance;Around the forehead partial loss will g parents.Horned bone will seal hou, after the brain to riches and honour the person of the mountains, the occipital regeneration is a blessing.

What kind of auspicious photograph related content is the head

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