Super accurate knowledge of TCM consultation content updated version

Super accurate knowledge of TCM consultation content updated version

Facial inspection is part of the essence for thousands of years of traditional Chinese medicine theory, is the traditional Chinese medicine "inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiry, and pulse-taking and palpation", one of the healthy person face should be clean, colour and lustre is ruddy luster.newbornbabyOn the face are often clean;Over the years of growth, and the air, water, food additives, environmental pollution, genetic changes, stress the influence of many factors, such as injury to human body health, facial will gradually produce symptoms.

Super accurate knowledge of TCM consultation content updated version

Look at health through facial color:

1. Yellow: spleen and stomach, digestive system is bad;

2. White: lungs, respiratory problems;

3. The red: cardiovascular system have a problem;

4. Blue: courage, there is something wrong with the immune system;

5. Black: something wrong with the system of the kidneys, bladder.

Watch your tongue:

The tongue of the healthy people were pink.If not a healthy person can see out from the tongue

1. His tongue coating is very thick, it's his spleen and stomach is bad,

2. Put the blue, his kidney is not good,

3. The tooth marks on both sides of the tongue, is liver is bad,

4. The tongue is white, is the heart is bad, that is the insufficient myocardial blood flow.Blood circulation is bad, have the symptoms of anemia.

5. The tip of the tongue, dark purple, is the heart, is the blood, blood viscosity,

6. The tip of the tongue long many small dots, red dots, he may have had myocarditis.

7. The tip of the tongue is not sharp, there is a deep ditch may have diabetes.

The consultation

Mainly divided into eight parts: namely "heart, lung, liver, kidney, spleen, small intestine, large intestine, reproductive".


1. The bile main item: liver is bad man, eyes are bad, his eyes benevolence yellow, very cloudy, opaque, like myopia, presbyopia, some love always blink eyes, all of this is because liver function is weak,

2. Liver function is bad man, his nails on the horizontal stripes, vertical stripes or this.His muscle is bulging, the veins stood out critical flow, Chinese medicine called onyx is not smooth, these people love cramps, western medicine is short of calcium.

3. Courage is bad, angry emotion is love, because of little things lost his temper, got angry angry said.

4. Courage is bad, feeding is love to eat sour, xiangshan this, armeniaca sibirica, one to eat can eat a lot.

5. Courage is bad man, and his face is grey, lacklustre, always like didn't wash a face every day.

Outward reflection area: eyebrows among 1/2 place to eyebrow end this triangle is liver area, and the bridge of the nose middle liver area.

Pathological analysis:

1. If the two parts or dark blue with spots, may be fatty liver.

2. If the two parts have pimples, the man suffered.

3. If the temple has a spot, this person liver failure.

4. If a spot midway through the bridge of the nose, may be something big, emotional instability, or menopause.

5. If the two class obviously, and the face was dark, very ugly, people are thin, the person with hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.

6. The central nevus, eyebrow eye is yellow, and looked very yellow is B liver.

7. Soft thin nails, lacklustre, with vertical stripes, brittle crack, said poor liver function.

8. A pock-marked, congenital liver function.


Reflection area: outside the bridge of the nose in the middle on both sides of the area.

1. Parts with red blood filiform, acne, or in the morning after getting up is a bitter taste in the mouth, that bile department had a slight inflammation;

2. If there is a spot, there is shadow, there may be cholecystitis.

3. If the parts have a vertical cleft, or a vertical smile wrinkled and illustrate the man there is something wrong with the gall bladder.

4. If the parts have a mole, mole, proved gallbladder function deficiency.

5. If the right hand under the right rib (bile) in this part, the left hand clenched fists struck right back, pain, if the parts is cholecystitis;

6. If a stabbing pain, a lot of gallstones.People who have problems with their bravery may be obese.

7. The clear spot or gallbladder area has a pair of mole and mole, is gallstones.Eye bags dark also prove that bravery is not good.

The heart

Reflection area (a) : on the forehead 1/3 to hair (hair circle),

1. The occurrence whelk, or and facial color is not the same, that this person as the heavy psychological pressure.

2. Here are spot;Heart disease (such as: muscle weakness);

3. Here are mole and mole, explain to the deficiency of heart function.

Reflection area (2) between the two corners of the bridge of the nose.

4. Here are the obvious horizontal stripes or horizontal grain, arrhythmia or heart condition is not good;

5. If the presence of horizontal stripes of the deep, and the tongue also have deep vertical stripes above (trench), may have a serious heart attack.

6. A bad heart is full of red blood silk on the face, like covered with many smallThe wormSuch a man, bad circulation of the blood system.

Analysis: the consultation

The heart of his bad mood is happy, always with a smile on her face, everybody have a look at this one is quite good, always trust, in fact he was nobody all this expression.His food habit is love endures hardship, like bitter melon, bitter herbs, such as the bitter things because his body need to supplement.

A bad heart face is red, not health of that kind of red, purple.


Reflection area: between the eyebrows

1. Here is a vertical stripes, deep vertical stripes and this site is red, illustrate the heart cerebral blood supply insufficient, headache, neurasthenia, much dream, sleep bad, palpitation, irritability, etc

2. The red light, usually have high blood pressure.

The small intestine

Heart disease is generally bad function of small intestine.

Reflection area: partial medial part at the bottom of the cheekbones.

1. If the parts are red blood silk, acne, spots, moles or mole, prove that small intestinal absorption function is bad, usually pond loose stool.

Spleen and stomach

Spleen reflex areas: on the nose, gastric reflex areas: in nose, two side sunken place for duodenal area.

1. The pale lips, no color, very dry lips, love skin, crack opening, function of spleen and stomach is bad.

2. The function of spleen and stomach is bad, muscles relax, no flexibility.

3. The function of spleen and stomach is bad, always wrinkled his brow, as if in thinking, in fact nothing.

4. The function of spleen and stomach is bad man, and his face yellow, see a person face yellow, old frown, that he must be taste bad.

5. Red nose, rosacea, head has a red nose, dark spots, pimples, etc., such people are spleen and stomach is bad.

6. Nose hair white, no color, special white, such a person is pixu (spleen deficient), anemia.Nose hair is yellow, and is also a pixu (spleen deficient), there will be a sweat more, fear of wind, burnout, mind you, don't, etc

7. The nasal fossa is always very dirty, dark, oily always like didn't wash, or pimples, such bad stomach function.

8. If the nose is red, is stomach fire, hunger, and bad breath.There are red blood silk and serious, general is gastritis.

9. If the nose dark bluish grey, it is the stomach cold, rather than cold handshake can feel the person the tips of your fingers, the person affected by cold stomach, diarrhea, etc.

10. The spleen area spot or birthmark, have the possibility of splenomegaly, stomach area spot and mole, may have an ulcer, and other lesions.

Clinical analysis:

Pain in my stomach before meals, general is gastritis.

One, two hours after the meal abdomen ache is gastric ulcer, pressure point at the center of the abdomen or slightly to the left;

Two to four hours after the meal abdominal pain is a duodenal ulcer, pain in the middle of the bone at two rows of side close to the heart, similar to acupuncture, severe cases can be pain to the back, pressure point in the abdominal slightly to the right place.

His food habit is love to eat sweet.Because his body need sweets to complement.


Lung function is bad, his nose is not good, such as allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, often suffer from respiratory tract infection.

Lung is for fur transport nutrients, lung function bad people face skin is more rough, big pore, brown hair, love split, luster, poor pulmonary function.His mood is sad sorrow, old love, a little thing was crying.

Of the lung function are her feeding is love to eat spicy,

Lung function bad person's face is pale and drawn.

A reflection of lung area between two eyebrow 1/2;Below the forehead 1/3, is Yin tang this location.

Analysis of the consultation

1. If Yin tang the redness, is recent upper respiratory infection symptoms,

2. Dark Yin tang, the kind of dark black, so that people may have pathological changes, should go to a hospital checking as early as possible.

3. If the forehead middle is concave, and the color is dark, or blue, or spot, said the man lung disease, lang breathing disorders;

4. If you have acne, prove that this person had a cold or have a sore throat recently.

5. If two eyebrows have mole and mole or white, is proved that this person has pharynx. Laryngitis, or tonsillitis, or condition, or pulmonary disease.

6. Have raised eyebrows, and also is to have lung disease.

Poor lung function, general e. excretion function is bad.

Colon and rectum

E. reflection area: in zygomatic lower part the lateral position from the eyes to the outside canthus downwards to the corners of the mouth together, this position is the large intestine.

1. If the parts are red blood silk, acne, spots, naevus, naevus, show this person e. excretion dysfunction, usually dry stool, constipation

2. If the parts have a half-moon shaped spot, prove that this person is constipation or hemorrhoids.

3. E. area hair dark red, not level off, the thinking of colitis.

Nasal root bottom line and the outer corner under vertical intersection point is rectum reflection area,

Here are spot is haemorrhoid, if here is red or white, has the potential of rectal cancer.


Reflex zones in eye outside, flat line and middle ears hang straight down to the intersection part of the jaw.

1. In this long a knot in one's position or there is a black stripe, is not clean, also is not the sun, explain kidney function is bad.

2. If the parts have red blood silk, acne, or spot, prove the man kidney empty, generally lazy idle, sore lower back and legs.

3. This site has a very deep and large spot, probably kidney stones.Ears long the moles or bumps, that he may have had kidney stones.

4. If the parts have a mole or rascal prove this person the deficiency of kidney, will also sore waist, legs and back.

5. Canthus have deep crow's feet.Ear has a vertical cleft, kidney function decline.

6. Chin is kidney pain area.If this position long red spots, bumps, there will be a waist sour, lumbago, general for nephritis;


Reflection area: the people on both sides of the nasal root is the bladder.

1. This part is red, red blood silk, acne, sores, evidence of cystitis, urinate appears reddish yellow, frequency urgent disease, bladder inflammation can also cause the waist aches.

2. The bladder area have wrinkles, consider to have renal atrophy, red blain blain for inflammation, long black mole, after considering to have lesions.

The reproductive system

Reproductive system: reflection area around the people and the lips

1. Women have a mole in his bottom lip, mole, chin, redness, and renal reflection area is more bright and clean, suggest that the person and the waist aches.

2. Women's lips around a mole, mole, and renal reflection area is not good;Or women's lips around blue, black or white, renal reflection area is not good, in both cases is generally demonstrated the humanity the cold shoulder.

3. Women who have a rascal, usually in her womb.

4. Male lips last week a mole, mole, renal reflection area is not good, the person of reproductive system has a problem.

5. Men's lip, GouGou, with vertical stripes, is a male sexual dysfunction,

Breast milk

Breast milk between the eyes nose slopes for breast area.

(1) milk warden mole and spot, mammary gland hyperplasia and tumors.

Old kidney empty, kidney failure, can cause people ears back, tinnitus.Kidney deficiency can lead to diseases such as bladder, reproductive system, the gonads.

Anyone there was something wrong with bone trace to the kidney, like the elderly osteoporosis, bone hyperplasia, between the waist dish outstanding, arthritis and so on all results from kidney function decline.

Renal function is bad, her mood is fear, afraid afraid.There is always a fear.If any noise or sound suddenly, she is afraid of a fright.Her diets is love to eat salty, taste particularly heavy.

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