What's the feature of short-lived faces: the short-lived people

The short-livedfaces: what's the feature of short-lived people

The world's most precious not wealth, not fame and wealth, but a person's life, life is gone, everything is in vain, so people are very concerned about his or her own life is long is short.Person's life is affected by many factors, in addition to congenital luck, there are also factors other than the destiny, such as continuous do evil may shorten;Is good, can prolong life.

What's the feature of short-lived faces: the short-lived people

Look at her eyes

Eyes with the god of health, in the eyes of god full, healthy strong condition is good, meet ailment can recover soon.Short-lived people eyes stay stagnant, scattered, skirts, or the wind tears, and the two eyes are dim, no expression, no vitality, optic vesicle silt swollen, like autumn in the failure of the vegetation, such as streams dried up, often give a person the sense seems to sleep sleep.

See the eyebrows

The eyebrows is the Yin tang, in the face, Yin tang for it, if the two eyebrows intersection, it is like a section of the section shape, eyebrows into Yin tang, is short-lived phase, indicated that the person is likely to live but for forty years, and breach of his wife and children, poorer.The eyebrows had any lines mark, Yin tang will affect the health, if taking cyan and mixed and disorderly, is also a symptom of a short-lived.

Look at the nose

In the face, the bridge of the nose upper position called the mount for urban house, this part full, towering, Yin tang, though congenital constitution is superior, the life is less sick, sick once in a while also quick recovery.If be born here to sink, fills, fracture, pointed or mole scar, often in poor health, easy to get sick, belongs to the innate physical weakness.If the phase of two ears, and chin of good words, and even for urban poor palace will not affect longevity, health condition is not stable, saying only that life often sick, and slightly affect the quality of life.

Look at the ear

Renal begin to understand in the ear, is the life vitality of the engine, is the innate, was character of thick and big ears, hypertrophy of the earlobe, rosy and close to the brain, the main developed kidney intact, energetic, the phase of longevity.Conversely, if the two ears bent, and the slight, meat thin, small earlobes, two ear color as gray, or black, the main life of limit is not long.But not exclusive, but also cooperate with other parts of the face, the integrated view, not only by the point to conclusions.

Look at the

Among the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks, is as overseers of arteries and veins of the intersection points, is the sum of strange through eight veins, preside over the body's Yin and Yang two gas, so people is one of the key parts of the body, is the total hub of qi, Yin and Yang balance.This part main children and life, people health and long life of deep, long, wide, and short, shallow, thin weak, short-lived.If people have shallow, short, or almost can't see the people from the front, the person must be short-lived.

View the

Law divides the nose on both sides, it seems that only two ordinary textures, but it represents a person's prestige, reputation, fortunes later in life and the life of yuan.The longer the statute, the longer the life also, laws don't grow to the mouth, will be short-lived.Law as it happens and two corners of the mouth, don't starve to death, also killed by esophageal disease.If after middle age law still did not see growth, even though the mouth, generally represent the short-lived, 56 to 57 fortunes have more see over and over again, even if life can over 60 yuan, poor luck could also later in life.However, a person even if the law grains in this argument, if its Yin tang bleak, synchronized to poor, lip color dark, is still hard to get good luck, business difficult.If the end of the law to the location of the next bend into the lips, surrounded by shape, such as the shape of the mouth, is a prime, in later life, easy to have a little pain, of a serious illness to about seventy more in danger of life.

Look at the chin

See a lifespan, often look at the two ears, people, and for urban house, if there are two of the three do not conform to the standard of long life, is the person's chin must be short, pointed, and to settle in areas such as the mercury, the cabinet and narrow.Have the facial features are a poor outlook, old age fortunes broken;2 it is hard to live a long life, life of the yuan is not high.

Look at the whole facial complexion

Rich man's face moist, great glossy, or white inside deeply red, also is what we usually call a radiant, facial muscles strong and elastic.Of the short-lived complexion dark with a whammy, bloated his facial muscles, and are usually not too clean, or covered with freckles, or evil nevus.Spiders don't have a good or ill luck, black and red for the birthmark, blue, yellow, brown, purple, and so on color nevus is fierce.Mole location also has the good or ill luck, short-lived of mole often grow above the two corners of the mouth, or long in the people, and more.

The short-lived facial features of seven

Collapse of the day, Yin tang is connected between the brows

Days in Yin tang first, two fingers, days to settle in life, parents, early career.Plus unibrow, fortunes GuaiChuan, inverted, often being framed, so life of yuan is not long, easy diagnosis.

Small nose low and eating a mouse

Small face, face like a date, pointed at both ends and the middle width, but face without meat.Narrow nose, nose is small, with eatingThe rabbitThe mouseAnd some small animals, a pinch of a handful of.Eat and drop around, a little do not pay attention to, are all die die early phase.

Lip teeth not package, voice hoarse

Mouth teeth protrude, lips can not cover the teeth, the tooth is not neat.Teeth and air leakage, short upper lip and talk with no gas, weak silent or is hoarse roar.Voice in the tip of the tongue, not loud but like a broken gong, for example, Cecilia cheung that kind of voice.

Eyes, gas not to get together like a drunk awake, not firm

Like Leslie cheung eyes looked very affinity, think there is no violation of someone else's sharp.Life must be a good smoothie popular, but the life of RMB is not long.Look in the eyes of the reason is scattered, yuan god not to get together.And the eyes of the discrete like shows inner hesitation, not self-confidence, lack of goals in life, easy to drug use, or is the lack of self-control, etc.

Three, four white white pant like a pig

Three eyes, four eyes, not punishment, the six relations has obstruction to the family, have a message to symmetric problem.That is breath voice loud and clear, mainly gasp louder.Breathing room heard as bellows, die faster.Such as Chen kind eyes.

Walking is too heavy, like a roe deer

Walking pace is too heavy, high heels, ding ding.Waste is very heavy, like stamping ground.Bent forward, go forward of a head of a rush to move on.There are like deer and roebuck, walk not line, east, west, unnatural, as of early death.

Irascible, jackal heart Wolf

Does not enough and he will hang himself, tyrannical, unbridled, vicious and aggressive spirit, subsequent to not do good, often hard to avoid encounter impermanence.

facialCharacteristics of look at life

1, his eyebrows on the face and said "longevity officer", so the eyebrows, into a glyph, or a bit into a crescent, have longer life.Eyebrows if there is a long two very long eyebrows, comfortable, the distance between the eyes, nose, mouth and skin moist, this is the phase of longevity.

2, the proportion of three stops on average, generally belong to longevity of, among them, the next stop developed partial elders and longevity, but stop too rich in stopped short, up and down or up and down too short, long and pause is easy.

3, features of the main health, mouth Lord live, on the face of the most avoid is short, is a short distance from nose and mouth to see, one is flat without edges, among which both the phase of short-lived.

If too thin lips, small mouth, then such a person is also short-lived as, because such small tolerance in his heart, and meet things don't want to, always see things not optimistic, natural rare life long.

4, chin, also known as cabinet main old fortunes, if born here too plump, so much as main longevity, whereas if missing here, are mostly negative.

5, the relationship between ears and life is very important also, ear chiseled, two ear lobes bead, the life of the color red or pink to longevity.

6, Yin tang to have more of them wide and has the like of longevity, whereas Yin tang narrow gloomy people more easy to encounter risks, life there are many disadvantages in accident.

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