The ears of Chinese traditional reading

The ears of Chinese traditional reading

Ear is very outstanding in the position in the Chinese traditional reading, mainly in charge of IQ and two important aspects of life, therefore should not be ignored.In the view of the elders that ears is "syndrome" of the heart, kidney, is the "officer", if ears long good, moral is the smart, longevity and prosperity, therefore in the facial features are highlighted in the position of my ears.

The ears of Chinese traditional reading

"Hanging bead" :

Hanging bead is refers to the ears have ears bead and prolapse.There are in a large thick ear lobe nobody is preferred.Such friends tend to have a certain economic strength, easy to rely on their own effort and others' help in career success, wealth and health, luck is good, easy to have some money the opportunity to appear in this kind of friends around, if you can grasp the enterprising, can enjoy the desultory life.On health is not easy to get sick, if you can adjust the mentality, health will be always around you.

Ruddy and shining "" :

"Red shine" from ear color and brightness, were introduced from the aspects of specific refers to the ears with reddish, lustre is preferred.Such friends tend to be more career in with some related to official career and reputation can have a prestigious opportunity, so if you can good at digging their potential in this respect, and in the friend or the public more easily than others produce certain influence, has potential star qualifications.If it is in official career of friends, often can have a lot of opportunities for advancement, such as to actively grasp, rise to be significantly higher than that of other friends.

"Solid and thick, shrug and long" :

The so-called "strong and thick, shrug and long" comes from the shape of the ears is introduced, specific refers to ear to ear bones have hardness, binaural is beautiful and broad, heavy unfavorable ear bones thin and double small ears.Has more than good ear type friends are from the aspects of physical health advantages than others, not easy to get sick due to environment change of season, and often love sports, so beneficial to the health of the body, if you can perserve, can make the body's potential to keep for a long time, is the health of people's eyes

"Portals kuo" :

Portals refers to the location of the ear hole and the surrounding, the so-called "ear hole kuo" means ear hole wide and deep, such a friend from the first level in terms of intelligence is a friend of the upper hand, juices, often won everyone's praise, if can this advantage to develop and use, can will be a lot of achievements in many fields.In addition, this kind of friends is also belong to the long run, the type of ambitious, things tend to like engaged in potential and on their own understanding in a short period of time can be a little, be good at mining "potential shares" is the advantage of this kind of friends.

"Ear baiyu face" :

If some friends facial skin color is tan health, so if the ears but if slightly shallow or baiyu facial skin color is the so-called "ear baiyu noodles".This kind of friends oftenThe I chingYourself an atmosphere of struggle in the circle of relations and in his own set up certain authority, is "big brothers" characters of people's eyes, if some academic and scientific research work is easy to become the eyes of the people "authority", therefore, for this kind of friends, as long as the perseverance to for their own ideal, it can more easily on the "wind" in this field.

"Chiseled" :

Chiseled mean helix with auricle from face looked more clear, easy to identify, won't produce without helix or the condition of the auricle.The ears of friends often has a great potential for learning, are more likely to get success in our studies, and often for a themselves interested in things to do, will be completed its perfection, in the process of finish this matter even if encounter difficulties with their own intelligence, understanding is very strong, is all in the eyes of clever wit or talented woman.

"Stick meat" :

"Stick meat" refers to the ears close to the ear when growth after flesh grow, look from the front can only see the outline of a small part of the ear.Won't appear outside the ears, face up to the situation of the funnies.These friends often operating and financing ability is very strong, belong to have ample food and clothing for good at finance and investment.Is everyone in the eyes of "rich man".In addition, this kind of friends with people at the same time, so even if the problems encountered in the finance and investment is also less than him, accounted for the proportion of successful luck is larger, but still need to be self struggle may be developed.

weifacesThe eyebrows of the nose

The term "reading" is refers to the narrow reading, namely, specifically to "physiognomy", "palm", "phrenology", "reading", "graphology" and so on, specially for the individual personality, psychological and behavior patterns and reading problems in the state of the research project, rather than the other "reading".

The nose is

Nose big face not small

Nose is big, the face also cannot little, especially on both sides of the zygomatic to hong leong, to vault nose.Reading of the old faces metaphor into five mountain, known as "the five", means the nose as the middle yue, to mount hengshan forehead, chin to hen, left zygomatic as mount tai, zygomatic right for the west huashan.Nose is the highest point of the face, thus to it as the Lord of the mountains, the other four yue (on both sides of the forehead, chin, cheek bone) is responsible for the vault nose, so a good phase pavilion, not only the nose to hong leong, forehead, two zygomatic and chin were good to have.


The location of the starting point of the nose between the two eyes, called "mountain root" on reading, flocks of a person's genetic, if hong leong and powerful, means congenital sufficient, physical and wisdom are all well.Such, in the face of disease, not only better resistance, also has keep up, know how to cope with catastrophe.Flocks if too to sink, or a horizontal line (or more) grain, even nevus or scar, is the representative of the setbacks and adversity.Under microscopy on think, in the low, should be far from home to abroad to make a living and development, with the hope of success.

Nose indicators for success

In face, the importance of the nose, usually do not lose eyebrow eye.If the reader to pay attention to in business of celebrity faces, it is not difficult to find that all successful people have a good nose.Nasal phase is important because it represents a person's id, not only the symbol on the health of the body resistance, and can be seen from the women's nose "star" good or bad, men can also be a snapshot of career achievements by the nose.Nose, in the face of the "three stops" in the middle part of the most important, a man in the prime of life, from 41 to 55 years old of time, depending on the nose.

Good nose phase

Basically good should have a straight nose, hong leong, and the advantages of no mole scar.Some people think that the nose to the more the better, the more business will do.Actually this kind of view is not correct.The truth, "big is beautiful" is not suitable for use on the physiognomy.Nose large, hong leong is not bad, but more importantly, depends on the relationship between nose and whole face?If the proportion of asymmetry;Such as face small nose is big, so this kind of person standard consciousness is very strong, no matter what kind of work is such a person in, compromise and tolerance must be not beautiful, even if not to like to call the shots, not only obey in all things, when working with others, also can appear some friction.

Wei facial features theory first heavy eye for god

Priority theory of eye for god, for eye shape.Eyes on behalf of the energy is strong and healthy life, eyes have the light, the main energy, faith is strong, can achieve great things;Instead look weak, lack of energy, confidence, reckless personality, emotional when dealing with others, feeling more impulsive.Eye big god: the Lord is responsible for, sleek, black and white main expensive, disposition frank philanthropism, speech good, strong persuasive.Eye big women, kind-hearted, open mind, wouldn't hide secret, character just soft, sweet, lack of patience, easy to accept easily swayed by emotions.Eye big no god: eye big without god, Lord I lean, short-lived.

Cross-eye: often strabismus, breadth of mind is narrow, shallow paranoid, temperament cunning, since the affair, not Roman holiday, the heart of the longitudinal change in wealth nor sternly.

Peach blossom eye, eye, eye end slightly bent, and often emerges, black and white is not clear, like a bleary-eyed, light will flash is very charming, manner, where women's chastity concept difference, men are lewd.

Eye fine: eye fine and long flexible has higher longevity;Male master is a steadfast, uncommunicative, socially, and have a beautiful wife.Women are not easily tempted, more dense.Eye fine profit and as for SIMS;Eye fine without god is short-lived.

Around the three eyes. Eye and all white, see below the main concept of self is very strong, have a high self esteem is browned off, travel, six already kinship, marriage there is resistance, women appear sick during production, easy to be dangerous.

About three eyes. Eye and above all three white, white to see master is insidious, outer surface, taciturn seemingly docile, but for themselves interests, can by hook or by crook, defiant, with career into many more easily killed.Four eyes. Eye around four white now, master the mind is very good, but be evil, false to the person, most moral character, good wine clinical lewd noise, can "but spry, died.

Eye main 35 to 40 years old of time, the eye is one of the most important part of life, our daily life, the joys and sorrows of the mood, mentality, personality can be seen by the eyes.Eyes are black and white, to examine its brightest light, the pupil, the butterflies, the Lord, how great your frontline, live corning.More white than black to like or make pulse into eyes, black and white (45 miscellaneous, eyes bleared, decide the main broken punishment wife KeZi poor dead.Eye and five zang-organs are interlinked, closer ties with renal effects, such as kidney, two orders will be pure light, is the symbol of energetic, so his eyes actually is the thermometer of the energy and wisdom.

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