What are the gold beside the word
Near the king word have?Gold a chemical element, yellow, red, soft, is a precious metal.Kind of, have the burnish, ductility, easy to heat transfer and the conductive solid known (except for mercury).What are that beside the king word?Radical as the "gold" Chinese characters is as follows:
8: gold
9: yttrium gadolinium
10: ð « selections 釞 釢 ð « squared 釖 釠 ruthenium sports polonium
11: thorium ð « ¦ 釥 釸 釻 釮 釴 釰 钑 about fishing samarium buckle vanadium 釪 釫 釬 water-analogy-simulation 釯 Di ð ¨ ° ¿ earth 釶 neodymium
12: calcium 鈤 鈊 ð ¨ + rutherfordium 鈬 鈪 鉯 titanium 鈝 holmium blunt hook 鈏 eagle coin 鈓 chao button ð « ´ ð « including 鈙 Pi ð « ¨ Hong jun 鈟 key 鈘 釽 䥺 釿 palladium eka cesium 鈂 Xing Dou ð « ª ð « § plutonium
13: ð ¨ + platinum 鉘 ð « · 鉜 Mu 鉰 銰 ð ¨ + 鉪 californium 鉌 tantalum 鈻 鈼 鉡 鉃 Shen 鉂 cerium 鈱 niobium niobium bell 鈵 鈶 cobalt cymbals beryllium already plutonium uranium twinkle potassium ð ¨ + iron objects for drill 鉇 thallium Xuan 鉊 up &will waste 鉓 bismuth 鉎 鉏 鉐 鉒 ð « such promethium 鉖 pliers 鉙 riveting lead high-ranking tomahawk 鉟 ð « port 鉣 hook
14: bell cesium his europium ð « ¯ 銡 Diao thulium 銧 銆 Cheng cuffed 銔 indium ð « ¸ ammonium iridium 銉 銟 ð « ° 鉵 Xing ð « creates 銢 銯 hinge 鉹 erbium chromium 鉼 ð « ´ hafnium silver ð « squared ð « » spear 銄 copper 銇 銌 銋 Zhi milling 銒 makes 銕 baht 銗 inscription 銙 Diao
15: 锃 lithium matte 錵 zirconium 鋵 where 鋖 鋍 sharp terbium welding sharp 銵 ð ¨ + pin 銸 rust ð ¨ + antimony file 銽 銾 銿 鋀 鋂 he 鋄 zinc barium 鋊 鋔 鋡 鋎 prod-ucts 鋐 鋑 feng 鋓 鋕 ð « ¶ 鋘 Wu 鋛 Zhuo Lve 鋞 Qin ð « including 鋢 hoe curium 鋧 osmium
16: froe 鍂 錿 economic mendelevium 錹 錴 ð ¨ + 鍅 shovel 錼 manganese ð « ¸ table rhenium Gu Ying pan 鋷 saw wrong Chang 鋺 steel 鋽 鋾 鋿 element Ke ð ¨ + 錌 recorded Qiang berkelium Juan 錉 錊 錋 錍 錎 zinc cone 錑 Ta kun 錗 hammer Zi ð « » ð « 1/2 level Chun a ingot 錰 chow money Zhui ð « creates ð « delighted many customers and kam graphic anchor 锠 錪 tin 錬
17: shovel 鎺 鎃 鎾 鎅 were americium wenkai ð « magnesium smelting 鍎 鍓 鍗 plating 鍏 鍐 鍑 ð « E 鍕 鍖 Zha others forging high speed milling application 鍝 鍞 鍟 鍡 wall 鍢 Cha woven 鍦 鍧 鍨 鍭 鍸 ð ¨ + 鍯 fine 鍱 鍲 鍴 strontium 鍷 鍹 鍻 needle 鍿 鍽 clock 鎀 ð « ¿
18: gallium 鎴 鎽 element engrave nickel chain Mo ð ¨ ° delighted many customers and Tang 鎉 pounds 鎋 scythe ð « 鎎 鎐 鎑 鎒 Weng rong 鎕 lock gun cadmium ð « on 鏎 ð « Sang 鎠 tungsten 鎤 lutetium armoured 鎨 food 鎫 pick yi 鎱 town town
19: 鏲 鏯 鏭 鏮 鏔 turning ð ¨ + 鏋 鏀 鏁 鏂 arrowheads 鏄 ð ¨ + 鏓 鏕 his David tang 鏙 qi 鏛 boring trowel Yong shovel mirror dart 鏣 ornamental ð « ð « © 鏩 鏪 鏫 鏬 ð ¨ + 鐊 鐌 䦃
20: 䦅 fermium 鐟 californium praseodymium 鏳 鏶 magnesium 鏸 Qiang 䥽 phosphonium 鏼 ð « 鏿 鐀 鐁 鐂 cymbals ð « ð « + 鐉 Jue Tang ð « ð ¨ + ð ¨ + chains 鐑 lawrencium dui tan 鐕 鐖 mace clock stirrup 鐚 鐛 鐞 instrcted ks
21: bracelet love ytterbium ð « 鑁 鏴 rust ð « DHS 鐬 scythe 鐰 鐱 radium 鐴 iron plutonium priests thunk Ju
22: 鑧 cymbal 鑈 鑂 鑃 cast 鑅 鑆 鑇 鑖 鑛 镔 鑎 鑏 鑐
23: 鑦 鑤 Zhi 鑗 鑘 鑙 drill 鑜 La 鑟 treatments 鑡 Lv bodyguards lutetium
24: 鑩 she 鑬 鑮
25: 鑨 lanthanum 鑯 key 镵 set 鑳 鑵 Cang
26: ð « tweezers 鑸
27: 鑻 gongs drill
28: Tang 钀 Jue 钄
29: 钃