How to take a good name for their children

What a good name for their children.According to the experience of predecessors and his own practice, some Suggestions are put forward

First, no matter what name, must avoid mathematical big fierce evil name her name.

Second, it's best to find out whether your child is five lines of eight have missing items (such as lack of gold, the lack of wood, etc.) if there are any missing items, in the name day make its mathematical for congenital deficiency of items, such as five behavior lack of congenital conditions, in the name when the number of the name of the water are contained in the mathematical, settle for second best, named golden mathematical name (because of gold water), and so on.

Third, if the girl's name, to avoid the lonely number, such as 21, 23, if you don't lack gold in the five elements, it is best not to for gold mathematical number, such as 7, 8, 17, 18, because women's name in the profile, with gold, mathematical, his personality are hardened, lack of tenderness, especially in personality and in case there is such a few more.

Fourthly, name in three configuration is also very important.If you take a good, after analyzing its ministries are lucky Numbers, but only three configurations, the foundation will have a good luck and success to move, have had a bad effect to the life and health and help also must be very attention, especially don't have a snap, disease and calamity fierce configuration.In short, the day, people, three mathematical five lines, xi intergeneration and avoid phase grams.

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