Believe in the good character of zhouyi method

The formation of character is determined by many factors, the main is the living environment, including the family, society and the surrounding natural environment.Men generally tend to be strong, women tend to tender, the society is such, parents and their elders generally hope so too.But sometimes parents and elders had a lesson in one area, in order to get span the don't walk on the hand, just in the hope that the boy character has a soft, girl has just soft in character, in order to get a sofe harmony.These aspects are reflected in the names.Such as:

Wang Binggang, qing dynasty jiangshan, grasp just that being upright and outspoken, and his Wu Jinshi very comfortable.

Wang Zhi, people of Ming dynasty, the word line, yongle jinshi, straight character represents the outgoing personality.

Wang yong, north Zhou Wuchuan, male sex, for the star, few have merit, officer to general.Single-name brave words, really brave.

Wei Li, excitation namely incentive.

Deng Gang, just as strong.

Winston, force, contains the intrepid.

Shu-xian Chen, shu, good;The xian, virtuous.Shu xian is successful, the good and virtuous character.

Shu-jen Chen, shu, good;Shu zhen is a good virtue.

Expressed the hope that in addition to the name or gentle, strong character and the name of the outgoing personality, some hope nature and lively, some hope personality humor and so on.

"Wang Zhi" listed in the front is hope generous personality, outgoing.Such as:

A surname, song shu people, good painting.To the great names, candid.

Wang Letian, a famous cartoonist.Lotte is happy, in this and he is engaged in the cartoon creation, not only you happy, also hope that other people can get happy from his own picture in easily.

Room tianle, HouWei qinghe, funny more wisdom, an optimist.

Sprite, a famous mathematician, single hope happy.

There are people named hope good personality.Such as: the king goodness, Beijing mouth people long landscape painting in Ming dynasty.Directly with good brand in the world.

Palmer is good, people in the tang dynasty, cloth, single good word.

And as modern Liang Yongshan, jiangxin good and so on.Such as:

Good grace, manchu qing dynasty is the red flag, beloved by name, said the pursuit of goodness.

Ny tsi-z, modern famous physicist, Keats is charity, ready to help others, a good heart.

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