The name note (2)
Like this for parents or fathers taboo, in our country, there are also a lot of generation.Legend has it there was a scholar in ancient father named LiangChen, in order to avoid, whoever he encountered in reading "LiangChen" 2 words, change to read as "dad".Once read "mencius", a "this so-called LiangChen, the so-called traitor to the people of the ancient" by the way, after he read, became "this so-called dad, the so-called traitor to the people of the ancient", is really funny enough: mouth again once upon a time there was a guo-zi-jian diploma name is qi, the home is very rich, but not a few words, have time for we have sinned against the kernel, locked up in fasting in the library waiting for processing.他見門[J寫著“齋戒”二字,便把“齋”字誤作“杏(齊的繁體字)'’字,把“戒”字誤作“成”字,正好是他父親的名字。這時他父親早已去世,他誤以為有人在此設了父親的靈位,便號陶大哭起來別人問他為何如此傷心,他答道:“先父的靈位不知被何人設在此處,睹物傷情,我哪能不哭呢!'’避諱到了如此的程度,雖然反映了古人孝順有禮,但也似乎有點矯枉過正了。在我國講究避諱的時代,還有一種特殊的避諱,叫做為壞人避諱,又稱“避惡諱”,主要是恥於提及壞人的名字,而以別的名字代替。顯然,這種情況與以上兒種避諱都不同。如唐肅宗因憎惡安祿山叛亂,凡遇到有“安”字的地名全部更改。於是,安化郡被改為順化郡,寶安縣也改名東莞縣。另外,明世宗時蒙占、瓦刺人多次侵犯邊境,使他寢食不安,他不僅因此而厭惡有關名稱,即使形容北方民族的“夷狄”二字也不願見到。每當下詔要使用這兩個字時,都要寫得小而又小。無疑,這也屬於避惡諱之列。當然,這類的避諱還有一種情況,就是歷史上有那么一些名聲不太好的人,後人不願提起他們的名字,即使他們的子孫也想迴避,這就有了避惡諱和避家諱的雙重性質。最典型的例子是清代有個姓秦的人做了杭州知府,見岳飛廟前有秦檜夫婦的塑像跪在那裡,覺得這位同姓的先人使自己很沒面子,就命人偷偷把塑像沉人西湖,也免得繼續被人指手畫腳。誰知第二天便有百姓上告說西湖水變臭了,秦檜夫婦的塑像也仍舊跪在那裡。
Magistrate saw this kind of situation, know hearts hard violations, had to it.React to comfort the heart annoyed, a poem, is two words, "unknown juniper since jun, I now since it is surnamed qin".Since qin GUI, mean, people are no longer with juniper word name, oneself also feel ashamed for the surname, qin still.These are typical "taboo" to avoid evil.By succinic taboo in the long history, more should be taboo, taboo for adopting countermeasures also have been thought out.In addition to one of the more common in speaking eschewed, deliberately when writing pen or openings, there is a change of words, that is, in other words instead of should be taboo words.BuShu the taboo words in speech shortly disappear, but on the written is difficult to erase the influence of even added a lot of confusion and trouble for later generations.For this reason, some on it then studies the taboo, so as to eliminate the books in the artificial chaos, and write the "taboo", the word taboo spectrum through the ages, the history of the suspension of hui, taboo in the imperial temple overflow spectrum ", "history of 22 up slightly, for taboo" history "and other books.In these works, especially in the history of the taboo, for example, the most complete.By visible, taboo is a traditional custom in China, we also as a form of formal state, although today is no longer need those heavy text tie knots, but the name when appropriate taboo for their relatives and friends, don't let the child's name and they are the same, we also should be a kind of etiquette.Just think, if lets the child with his SanQinLiuGu or great and famous namesake, and jump around, away often don't know the situation go on that these people, is not serious _ before someone remembered name for guangzhou "week green lai" but was rejected on account, because is easy to cause misunderstanding not long ago a newspaper report, there are two neighbors make antinomy, when a named child r neighbor's name, and all around, away the neighbor unbearable, took him to the court, therefore a lawsuit to a factory.Although it is an extreme example, but it also brings us a revelation, that is in the construction of our harmonious society, the society and I are from many aspects need to work hard, and the name appropriate abide by traditional can also help us inherit and develop traditional, better construction of our country.
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