Dream of the ladder

What is the meaning of dream of the ladder?Dream dream of the ladder?Dream of a ladder with reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution of the dream of a ladder.

Dream of the ladder

The dream of the ladder, on the one hand, said things development state, on the other hand, also symbol of reputation.Dream on, for example, promises to be you.Dreamed that fell from the ladder, said may suffer setbacks, being bullied.

Dreaming that I am trying to climb the ladder that you will have a better new stage.

High dream of climbing up the ladder, you will be a great success.Dream without too much climbed up the ladder, is said you have a small achievement.

Dreaming that I walk under a ladder, the economic situation is reduced, money, reputation, and lost the chance of promotion.

Dreaming that fell from the ladder, warn you not to worry too much, otherwise, is likely to be hit.

Students dream of the ladder, predicted significantly higher scores, enviable.Dreaming that fell from the ladder, the symbolThe testDefeat, fallen off.

Traders dream of a ladder, suggesting that will lose an opportunity to get rich.

A pregnant womanDream of a ladder, will encounter difficulties, it is difficult to achieve your goals.

Dreamed of cross the ladders, indicate that you want to weigh yourself for difficulty, may not be as easy as you imagine.

Dream of others in the climb up the ladder, this is to remind you that there will be a key figure for your ascension or development plays an important role.

Dream of the ladder fell down, predict will suffer setbacks, or get into trouble.

Dreamed of was hit by a ladder, suggesting that may be slandered, or try to argue with people in trouble.

Dreamed that he moved the ladder that life may have relatives and friends need your help.

Dream of their own lost the ladder, suggest you may economic damage, or career progress.

Dream of cleaner climb a ladder to wipe the glass lamp, suggesting that your heart will be purified, entering into a new realm.

Dream of climbing rope ladder, suggesting that you can have unusual experiences, or risk a success.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

See the ladder, the reputation."The duke of zhou interprets"

See below stairs, the woman abortion."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream ladder to heaven, and the main business."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Under a ladder, humiliated, fierce."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the ladder in fact reflects your in a dream from one environment to another environment when psychological feelings.He may have to go all out, hope to achieve their own goal or get hold of the chance of facing.Are you in the face of the position change of crisis will often experience a similar dream, here has the meaning of clear instructions.Dream of the ladder under the horizontal, say you need to estimate yourself in front of difficulties.Dream of others, which could be your boss or co-worker) climb the ladder, illustrate the people play an important role in the process of your promotion.

Psychological analysis: the ladder that you understanding of something reached a higher level.From perceptual knowledge stage to rational knowledge stage, at the same time also understand the hidden deeper content in it.

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