Dream of the walkman mp3

Dream of the walkman mp3 is what mean?Dream dream of walkman mp3?Dream of walkman mp3 have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the walkman mp3 detailed solution.

Dream of the walkman mp3

Dream of wearing a walkman, on the one hand, people focus on the heart, said dream resisted a unpopular;May also be to remind the dreamer, on the other hand, don't be reserved and closed, in a more open mind to actively with others.

Dream of the walkman (MP3), cut off all your thinking about the sound of music, and the dream is on behalf of dissension in life has let you don't know how to have a meaningful life, you have already had a muddy muddy evil evil day, so take good thinking way how to go in the future.

Dream of listening to music, is good omen, can good luck.

Dream of the deaf hear music, fraught and suffering to come.

The patient dreamed that listening to music, recover body soon.

Dream of music, it is ominous, will hear unfortunately message.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: music and melody on behalf of the dreamer's heart activity and the relationship between he and realistic environment.Dreaming that I am listening to music said the dreamer has the ability to deal with the relationship.In addition, the music in the dream also symbolize a fun experience.

Psychological analysis: in many ethnic cultures, music is linked with people's mental consciousness, in the dream appreciate music expressed the meaning of this line.

Spiritual symbol: from the spiritual level, the dream of music is the link between contacts with the gods.

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