Dream of grenades grenades

What is the meaning of dream of grenades grenades?Dream dream of grenades grenades?Dream of grenades grenades with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of grenades grenades detailed solution.

Dream of grenades grenades

Dream of grenades, suggesting that there exists some discontent, your heart is very want to vent.

Dream of grenade, said the mood to vent, but also remind you to do things at the same time to avoid impulse.

Dream of grenade explosions, warn you to refrain from emotions, control their own behavior, in order to avoid caused the consequences of irremediable, accidental damage to yourself or others.

Men dreamed of shells, is love in your heart and a show and performance.

If unmarried girls dream of shells, that you would like to find a soldier to be your husband.

If married women dream of shells, that you dream to have an affair.

Dreamed of grenades grenade case analysis

Dream description: a dream of a house, there are a lot of shells, and grenades, I accidentally pushed on, nearly explode, boyfriend stood at the door.What's the meaning?

Resolution: dream dream of grenades, suggests that there are some discontent, your heart is very want to vent.The dream that you give this emotion is far heavier than boyfriend, your boyfriend for you tepid performance is not very satisfactory.

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