Dream of the diary

What is the meaning of dream diary?Dream dream diary?Dream diary have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of diary of a detailed solution.

Dream of the diary

The dream diary, is your heart true feelings.

Dreamed that he was writing diary, suggests that the person you love will come to visit.

Dream of looking at someone else's diary, indicate that you will be involved in the trouble.

Dream diary of case analysis

Dream description: from reading high up, then I formed the habit of keeping a diary every day.Sometimes in my dream, I also often dreamed that he was writing diary.Once I dreamed that he bought a beautiful diary, I was very happy to write a diary mood also refreshed.(women, 20 years old)

Dream dream resolution: diary, represents the visit or trouble.The dream diary, is your heart true feelings.Dreamed that he was writing diary, suggests that the person you love will come to visit.Dream of looking at someone else's diary, indicate that you will be involved in the trouble.

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