Dream of the mask

What's the meaning of dream mask?Dream dream of mask?Dreams to meet with the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamt that masks the detailed solution.

Dreaming that I am wearing a mask, said a moment of trouble.You to some of the person you love is doing will be misunderstood, you efforts to help him (she) is not to be understood, but you draw lessons from each other temporary alienation.

Dream of mask _ duke of zhou interprets the dream what is the meaning of dream to dream mask is good _ _ duke of zhou interprets website

Dream of people wearing masks, said you to struggle with envy and lies.

Dream of the mask, said someone will betray you, your career will suffer setbacks.

youngA womanDreaming that I am wearing a mask that she will try to take advantage of a friendly person.

Dreaming that I am the masks, or see others take off the mask, said she will not be able to get what she pursuit of praise.After the dream, she should be more modest and prudent.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream with false face, auspicious, covered in Katherine.Dream false face is his true form, but this is what shape, then know the good or ill luck."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: most people are wearing a mask in front of others, especially when two people meet for the first time.The dream mask on behalf of you or someone else's external image.Dreaming that I am wearing a mask of ugly or terrorist, you is not sincere.

Psychology analysis: mask said to hide in dream.When a person want to protect themselves, or do not want other people know their own thoughts and feelings, he will give his "wear a mask.In addition, according to many ancient peoples spread, mask of carving is a animal can bring people the power of the corresponding.

Spirit: to be a doctor after death covered her face with cloth, so from the spiritual level, the dream mask said death is inevitable.

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