Dream of the mirror to look into the mirror

Dream of the mirror to look into the mirror is what mean?Dream dream of a mirror to look into the mirror?Dream of a mirror to look into the mirror has a reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of a mirror to look into the mirror of the detailed solution.

Dream of the mirror to look into the mirror

Dream of the mirror, have a look at yourself, to explore the inner meaning.

Dream of bright mirror, said clearly clear your heart.

Dream of the mirror of the dark, you may be suffering.

Dream of drop off the dust on the mirror, reminds you to organize ideas, clarify status.

Men dreamed of look in the mirror, suggesting that may be in unreliable, lie to you, friend of duplicity.

marriedA womanDream of the mirror, husband to yourself some disaffection, likely to cheat, fall in love with someone else.

Patients dream of mirror, usually said the illness worsen, should pay more attention.

Have a haircutT dream mirror, suggesting that the business is thriving.

Dreaming that I looked in the mirror makeup, says is the desire of love in heart, maybe is the pursuit of the opposite sex.

Dreaming that I am hard to look into the mirror, say to want to know what your heart, such as "I" who is the in the mind have doubts.

Dreamed that get a mirror that you will be successful.

Dream of a blurry image in the mirror, suggested that you in life or in love, may encounter obstacles, and trouble.

Dreaming that I looked in the mirror with your partner, said emotional harmony, and beauty of life.

Dream of coming together, portend a couple reunion.

Dreamed that he break a mirror, symbol, or in the near future there will be a make tired, may also symbol you dare not face up to yourself.

Dreamed of hand mirror fell on the floor and broke up, according to the traditional meaning, also indicated that you will encounter the evil.

You can only dream of the mirror is behind him, said she efforts, cannot expect others to take care of.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream of to the mirror smile, man."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of travel mirror, geely."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of mirror, Ming ji, dark."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of mirror, pedestrians."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if the dream of a mirror, said you are worried about their image.You have concerns about how others might see you.You must assess the situation, if they said to the outside world is the true self.In addition, hidden behind the symbol may also have a fear of aging, or fear of health.

Psychoanalysis: if you look at the look in the mirror, dreamt he said you want to see ourselves in situations where others could not see behind what happened.You may concern for past actions, we must think about what you have done or said.If the mirror image is distorted, said you feel difficult to understand you.If you talk to you in the mirror image, says you should listen carefully to help from inner voice.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, the dream symbol of the wisdom of the mirror self-recognition.

Dream of case analysis of the mirror

The dream description: in a dream, I hang out in the store.I settled on a light green coat, I will get the fitting room to try on.Dressed, look in the mirror of the inside, I feel effect is very good, wait me outside to look in the mirror again, oh my god, how do I is so high in the mirror.(female, 26)

Dream parsing: dreaming that I am in the look in the mirror, represents the distance information.Dream of mirror image is clear, normal, is a good omen, shows that have a good message from distance, this message will bring you a surprise.Dream of blurred image in the mirror, is bad dreams, imply that your partner or lover will have some small trouble.

Dream of the mirror to look into the mirror

The duke of zhou interprets of query